Friday, December 18, 2009

Ice Skating & Vessel

I finally went ice skating! Wicked Wednesday! Union Square! That's the first time I've ever skated there, I'd always gone to Yerba Buena or the Embarcadero in the past. Anyway, I drank too much after work on Wednesday and ALMOST stayed home, but Bryant picked me up on his bike, WHICH WAS FUN!!! I felt like I was in a video game, and now I want a motorcycle again - although I'd be much more of a conservative rider.

So where were we.. oh yes! The ice skating! V held my hand in the beginning, but eventually we let go. Even though I was fine skating by myself, it was more fun holding V's hand! Is that weird? Also, the neighbors are ridiculously good at ice skating - like Dominus can ice skate backward... damn them...

Later, V and I stopped skating to chat/break, and while we were looking over the edge of the rink we spotted steaming tubs. V starts hobbling sideways screaming "HEY, HEY, HOT WATER!" like a little girl, and unbeknownst to her, she hobbles right into a couple's romantic moment (they were making out). HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, total highlight of the night. It all happened so fast, I couldn't stop her, I could only gawk and enjoy.

Then last night, we went to Vessel, and there was an open vodka bar. Our first order was a round of Redbull vodkas, and it was funny because no one had realized that we would get charged for the Redbull. Needless to say, the rest of the night consisted of cran-vodkas. Yeah! And we ended the night with McDonalds. AND I am also a duck.


  1. Ice skating sounds fun! I only been once, and I was horrible. Lol@V

  2. Yeah I'm not that great, I look like a scarecrow because I can't relax LOL
