But, there are consolations. For two weeks now, I've gone to the gym M/T/W, and I feel stupendous. I plan to keep this up! And I've also been reading David Sedaris, which is LAUGH-OUT-LOUD hilarious, and I mean that in the most literal sense. I'm just about done with Me Talk Pretty One Day, and halfway through Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim. The reading is casual yet intensely entertaining, I highly recommend.
I've been keeping my weekdays busy by exercising, reading, hockey/bball games, and TV shows by the season. I just got the rest of Community (thanks Alex!) and will probably start Modern Family thereafter. I leave the weekend for partying of course, and do it all over again and again.
P.S. I'm still a duck

And last night I got some cool foot tattoos

aaahahahha nice pics