Sunday, February 21, 2010

Blood Obsessions

After quite the HH on Thursday, I ended up staying home Friday and Saturday and having a nice quiet weekend to myself. I got a lot of Dexter-watching done, in fact I finished Season 1. There was a ton of character development in Season 1, and I really should have watched this series in order. At least I understand the backstories now, and if Netflix would let me watch Season 3 I probably would continue. Dexter is such a morbid and twisted series, I love it.

During lunch today, I was flipping through channels and the only movie that had JUST started was TWILIGHT. I knew nothing about it aside from the parodies and jokes I've seen and I have to admit, I can see what all the fuss was about. That movie is THE modern day princess fairytale, and no one can deny the novelty of falling in love with a VAMPIRE!!! A good-hearted vampire at that - and one who just wants to save your life and watch you sleep. I have yet to see New Moon, but I don't think anything can change the fact that I am in love with Edward and everything he stands for.