Friday I stayed in and watched the second half of 30 Rock, season 1. I'm enjoying it so much that I'd rather watch than go out, LOL. One of my favorite moments thus far:
Saturday, after work, Julian and I had dinner at Kabuto (Joe's rec) and it was actually really savory, fresh, fish. We were talking about how we always go to sunset for sushi because it's convenient, even though the sushi isn't that "good" per se. Creatures of habit we once were, explorers we are!
Afterward, I hung out with Bryant for a little before Charles picked me up. And then we were off! To Bo's friend's place for pre-game before heading to the Marina. There happened to be a doll there, of the Vancouver Olympic mascot Mukmuk. Somehow by the end of the night that became my new nickname.
Then, today, I woke up for the WSBK at Philip Island, until I realized the gold medal US/CAN hockey game was on!! 1st period was boring but 2nd picked up and 3rd was INTENSE!! We lost, but meh 'twas a good game.
Bryant and Dom came upstairs with beers during OT and then after we finished the game we went to see Shutter Island. I nodded off many times, and eventually just slept 15-20 minutes near the end. That movie was a waste of time, and I would not recommend anyone see it in theaters. We picked up pizza afterward and then headed home to watch 24. I've been watching a lot of stuff lately.. I should probably reset my goals. In time though, in time.
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