So I stayed up hell-of late last night looking at emergency readiness kits, actually until 4:00AM, and two hours later I'm up again after a TERRIFYING nightmare.
I was at Disneyland for some massive ball-like event. Everyone was fancily glad, mostly in black, like they were going to a very sophisticated show. The lights in all of the buildings were soft yellow (just like at Davies Symphony Hall). Everyone I knew from high school was there, and I most specifically remember seeing Anna T., Lisa W., and Lisa P. I was actually WITH V and Jon and Alex watching an interactive opera show? Until it was interrupted by blood-curdling screams and masses of people scattering everywhere. When the crowd cleared, there were dead bodies on the floor with stab wounds. I actually never saw the bodies but I could see everyone around me freaking out.
So we were corralled within our areas as they didn't want the murderer to escape. But because we were at DISNEYLAND, there wasn't enough staff to protect us, and there were just SO MANY PEOPLE! WE DIDN'T KNOW WHO THE KILLER(S) WAS/WERE! And now I'm walking around all paranoid-like, and they're ushering us into some sort of cafeteria area... where we stumble over MORE BODIES!!! OMG!!! And again I don't see the bodies, but I know exactly what my friends are looking at.
The paranoia is nerve-wracking, and I'm closely monitoring the motions of anyone who comes within our vicinity. I eventually need to go to the restroom (surprise surprise) and on the way I see my friend Lisa W. and I'm like "hey your dress is cute" yadda yadda. Then some black girl pushes Lisa W. and tries to elicit a response by badgering her. Lisa's face is frozen with shock. As soon as the girl leaves the corridor, Lisa W. reveals that the girl was actually a football player I went to high school with. We part ways, but I enter the bathroom still distracted and confused.
By this time I had either left V, Jon and Alex behind, or had lost them in the crowd. My friend Lisa P. is in the bathroom, and we say hi briefly but she's apparently consumed by the conversation she's having with her boyfriend and isn't paying too much attention. I, for some reason or other, leave my stall door open (??) while I sit down, and I see this crazed Italian looking guy with Wario hair sneak up and sidestep into my stall without realizing that I'm there. Yes, this is a very long and narrow stall, and the bathroom is dark. So I watch as he's crouching low looking outward toward Lisa, and he pulls out a ridiculously triangular knife, and I KNOW he's getting ready to stab her!!!
I realize that if I yell out to warn her, he will kill me. If I let him kill her, he'll probably flee immediately. I decide to let him kill her, or maybe I'm just too hesitant to act, but he lunges towards the opening of the stall and I know he's ready to pounce. At that last SPLIT second I scream "LISA!!! WATCH OUT!! THE KILLER!!" And the fucking scary ass Wario guy turns and looks at me and says, "You know, now that you've done that, I won't have a job" and I'm sitting there in a silent panic just staring back at him.
Then he asks, "You won't tell anyone, will you?" in an eerily endearing tone while he strokes the knife. I tell him "NO NO I WON'T TELL, I WON'T" but he answers, "But how can I trust you..." And so this madman steps toward me with malicious intensity. I'm praying that Lisa will kick him from behind and then we can both assault him, but she either is still on the phone or has left the bathroom. So - I'm this dark, narrow, stall, about to get sliced up by this psycho and abruptly I wake up.
Now I'm too scared to go back to sleep, I don't want to die. I'm so screwed for work in a few hours. See, in this situation, things would have gone MUCH DIFFERENTLY, had I had a handgun.