Soooooo, this has got to be the best Christmas ever for me!
On Christmas Eve, my family and I went to my Aunt's house for dinner. We usually don't do anything Christmassy (no gifts, no big family dinners etc.) so this was a nice change. My mom, who has had a tough couple of years recently, hadn't spent too much time with my aunt in a while and I could tell that she really enjoyed herself. Heck, we all did! My brother and I haven't laughed so hard in a really long time, and my mom even said that she hadn't had so much fun in years. It really was a heartwarming night as my mom and aunt reminisced their college days and such. And there were many moments where I laughed so hard that I was in tears. The food was great, and it was an excellent way to spend Christmas Eve =)
Saturday, Christmas Day, didn't do much at all - just stayed home with my mom because she's sick and I didn't want her to be alone since my brother left for the weekend. I ended up going to Ruby Skye on Saturday night and.. well.. I had too much fun and called it a night around midnight. Although, for the time that I was out with my faaaavorite people, I had a blast -- as always. I'm so thankful for my wonderful friends and family and family friends. I usually feel very alone during the holidays, but this year is totally different. I'm glad that I'm alone because I'm surrounded by delightful company all of the time!
Today was a lazy morning/afternoon, but I got out of bed finally to hang out with the boys. We played games at Chad's place (Scattegories, which I have progressively gotten worse at) and some of us ended up drinking to a loss (or in my case, losses). It's not fun to lose for me, ever. I blame Chad partly, because we get the same answers a lot and I lose points because they cancel out!! Like "big boats" and "Murcielago", he needs to get out of my head!!! But anyway, we had family-style dinner at a Chinese restaurant and then went on to karaoke.
And now I'm going to go back in time to Thursday.. because for this post I am saving the best for last. On Thursday, I got off work early and went to visit BMW!! It was awesome seeing all of my old co-workers and catching up! I really miss the place.. but everyone seems to be doing well and it was really nice to be there again. I told Larry about the car I had my eye on and we discussed the process so I got a much better understanding on how to deal. It helped A LOT because I was so hesitant. And so after I left BMW I started to get the ball rolling... and soon enough..
ON CHRISTMAS EVE I GOT MY CAR!!! Chad is such a dear, he took me to the dealer in the morning. Less than an hour later I was driving off in my awesome new Volvo, that sexy beast. When I got back to the city I picked Chad up and we went to eat at Americana, where he is a total local celeb LOL. I can't describe the overwhelming anticipation that took hold of me the night before, and the morning of. And I can't describe the ridiculous excitement of driving the car around the city for the first time. But I can say that it was AMAZING, and I love it.
I'm so happy. This is the best Christmas ever, because I got myself the coolest present ever ever ever!!! When I drive it, things are just SO much more enjoyable. Pure bliss. My first big girl purchase and I couldn't be more satisfied. Alex got me my OWN NERF GUN as a car warming gift, such a sweetheart! I am just having.. the best.. December... ever.. and I hope everyone else feels the same. Happy holidays!!!! <3
Step to the beat of my heart - a California whirlwind ripping through the Pacific Northwest.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Love & Holiday Cheer
Awwwwwhhhhh, so the holidays have come and gone and come again, and here we are in the middle of the winter with the ones we hold dearest.
First off, I'd like to recap Carrie & Long's wedding! They had a reception banquet at Gold Mountain in Chinatown the second Saturday of December. I was nervous because it was my first wedding, I didn't have a date, and it was a Chinese wedding -- yeah, I don't speak Chinese.. at all. It turns out that I knew more people there than I had anticipated, and it was quite a delightful time :) Thankfully, Ann didn't bring a date either, so I didn't feel so awkward -- otherwise, I would have been the only one at my table without a date! It was a huge relief to know everyone at my table, and though we hadn't seen each other in years (literally) it was great to catch up with them.
The wedding was really cute! Carrie looked exhausted, but also VERY gorgeous. Loved all of her dresses, and I like the way she coordinated the colors for all of the decorations. When they were playing the love songs and I was watching the couple slideshow I almost started tearing.. so happy for those two <3 be="" br="" didn="" even="" for="" going="" happy="" i="" know="" most="" of="" on="" really="" t="" the="" there.="" though="" time="" to="" was="" what="">
This past Thursday was B's birthday, and he who apparently NEVER celebrates his birthday decided to finally go out! So we went to Slide, and got to see him drink more than two beers, which is a rare occasion in itself. We had a pretty good time even though it was house music. I guess it's a preview of what Tiesto will be like. On Friday I woke up with a killer sore throat. I thought I might have Strep Throat so I stayed home to rest. I pretty much slept the entire day and night, and I was so glad to wake up better on Saturday.
I spent the earlier part of Saturday preparing shrimp ceviche for the Holiday Potluck. It was my first time making ceviche, or actually making anything for a potluck, and it turned out to be a success! I was worried that the final product was too sour.. but everybody seemed to genuinely love it. At first I thought they were just being nice.. but people were eating it all up!!! There was LOTS of great food there, and Alex even brought a whole slab of prime rib! Tiana made us cute little party favors with bells and our names written on them, I got a snowman. SUPER CUTE! Lots of good eating for sure, and as always excellent company.
After the Holiday Potluck, we left Henry's to go to the Ugly Sweater Party. Somewhere along the way, the guys got the idea to do red-light musical cars (we had three cars). So if I remember correctly, my car had 3 rounds of new people. I wish the car I was driving had automatic locks though, I couldn't control the doors fast enough to lock anyone out LOL. When we got to the Ugly Sweater Party I felt a bit awkward because I didn't know the other people there. But an hour or so later I loosened up and ended up having a great time :) I met some new people, got a double kiss under the mistletoe from two lovely boys at the same time! There were even super cool fake tattoos.. and I wish I had gotten the ferocious-animal-hand one like Alex's but I was content with snowman. All in all, December has been a great week thus far! And we're only halfway through... Chad is back, Menie and Charles will be back in town later this week and I'm really just loving this holiday season and all of the loving people I've been spending it with.3>
First off, I'd like to recap Carrie & Long's wedding! They had a reception banquet at Gold Mountain in Chinatown the second Saturday of December. I was nervous because it was my first wedding, I didn't have a date, and it was a Chinese wedding -- yeah, I don't speak Chinese.. at all. It turns out that I knew more people there than I had anticipated, and it was quite a delightful time :) Thankfully, Ann didn't bring a date either, so I didn't feel so awkward -- otherwise, I would have been the only one at my table without a date! It was a huge relief to know everyone at my table, and though we hadn't seen each other in years (literally) it was great to catch up with them.
The wedding was really cute! Carrie looked exhausted, but also VERY gorgeous. Loved all of her dresses, and I like the way she coordinated the colors for all of the decorations. When they were playing the love songs and I was watching the couple slideshow I almost started tearing.. so happy for those two <3 be="" br="" didn="" even="" for="" going="" happy="" i="" know="" most="" of="" on="" really="" t="" the="" there.="" though="" time="" to="" was="" what="">
This past Thursday was B's birthday, and he who apparently NEVER celebrates his birthday decided to finally go out! So we went to Slide, and got to see him drink more than two beers, which is a rare occasion in itself. We had a pretty good time even though it was house music. I guess it's a preview of what Tiesto will be like. On Friday I woke up with a killer sore throat. I thought I might have Strep Throat so I stayed home to rest. I pretty much slept the entire day and night, and I was so glad to wake up better on Saturday.
I spent the earlier part of Saturday preparing shrimp ceviche for the Holiday Potluck. It was my first time making ceviche, or actually making anything for a potluck, and it turned out to be a success! I was worried that the final product was too sour.. but everybody seemed to genuinely love it. At first I thought they were just being nice.. but people were eating it all up!!! There was LOTS of great food there, and Alex even brought a whole slab of prime rib! Tiana made us cute little party favors with bells and our names written on them, I got a snowman. SUPER CUTE! Lots of good eating for sure, and as always excellent company.
After the Holiday Potluck, we left Henry's to go to the Ugly Sweater Party. Somewhere along the way, the guys got the idea to do red-light musical cars (we had three cars). So if I remember correctly, my car had 3 rounds of new people. I wish the car I was driving had automatic locks though, I couldn't control the doors fast enough to lock anyone out LOL. When we got to the Ugly Sweater Party I felt a bit awkward because I didn't know the other people there. But an hour or so later I loosened up and ended up having a great time :) I met some new people, got a double kiss under the mistletoe from two lovely boys at the same time! There were even super cool fake tattoos.. and I wish I had gotten the ferocious-animal-hand one like Alex's but I was content with snowman. All in all, December has been a great week thus far! And we're only halfway through... Chad is back, Menie and Charles will be back in town later this week and I'm really just loving this holiday season and all of the loving people I've been spending it with.3>
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Portland Adventures & Thanksgivings
Let me begin by saying that I am oh-so thankful for everyday of my life, and this trip to Portland was awesome on so many levels. While I realize that this sounds totally cliche, since the accident I really feel like everyday is a blessing and I hope I never lose the mindset of giving thanks and always being appreciative.
And now, the Oregon Trail! We left Thursday morning and the car ride went smoothly. Like literally, Alex did a superb job of driving stickshift -- especially for someone who only learned a few weeks ago, it was most excellent. Gary was all over the place in the car, screaming nonsensical things. It was beyond entertaining though, and we definitely had interesting conversation. By the time we got to Portland it was dark and we were all antsy pantsy. We had dinner with Chadwick's family and then afterward, THE DRINKING BEGAN. We did Century Club but I only made it to 23. Oh well, I beat Henry. ;] Oh man, and Chad's uncles and dad sure know how to party. By the end of the night, there was a house full of drunk travellers... who did NOT make it to Black Friday!!!!!!! Sad. I wanted to go. But it's okay, I didn't wake up either LOL.
The next morning was very interesting. One of the boys, woke up pants and underwearless next to another boy, who was shirtless. Of these boys, who shall remain nameless, neither of the two seems to know how that happened. HAHAHAAHHAAH. That's awesome, awkward, and hilarious all rolled into one. We started the day with Waffle Window (which was yummers by the way) and we shopped the stores on Hawthorne (?), their Haight-ish neighborhood. We saw some cool stuff at the thrift stores before making our way to Downtown for the FOOD CARTS! The KBBQ tacos/burrito were pretty good, and the cheesasaurus rex was coooooooool. We shopped downtown a bit and ended up at Pioneer Mall. I got the coolest f'ing moose hat ever. I love it.
We had Thanksgiving dinner on Friday night, and I kid you not that was the tastiest turkey I've ever had in my life. I don't know WHAT they did, but it was sooo juicy and flavorful!!! Chad's dad also did the lamb and it was SO DELICIOUS!! After dinner we played Scattegories, I'm so glad Alex brought it!! I think Priscilla and I liked it the most because by the end everyone else wanted to play Taboo :( Later at night, we went to Ground Kontrol so the boys could play barcade. Afterward, we went to Blitz sports bar and I got sooo many compliments on my moose hat!!! :) :) :) I'm just going to end the recap of that night there... because I don't know exactly what happened in what order.. all I know is I had lots of fun!
Saturday we went to The Kennedy School for lunch. The food was not bad just not too memorable -- the raspberry ale I liked a whole lot. The place was kind of creepy, but kind of cool at the same time. Maybe it's just weird when you almost have to squat to wash your hands because the sink is so low? Whatever the case, I liked that place for the most part. After lunch we went to the flea market. MY FIRST TIME AT A FLEA MARKET!! I didn't buy anything but it was cool to walk around and look. I also tried an elephant ear for the first time :) As we were leaving the flea market it started to hail major. We went back and the other car went to pick up Voodoo donuts. I tried the blood filled Voodoo and it was good. Not the best thing since sliced bread though. They should really use more jelly in the filling!
I tried playing beer pong against Brian (totally thought I had a fair chance) but I lost pretty miserably. THANKFULLY David was my sponsor so I didn't have to drink! I thought I was bad at losing, but I think Alex might be worse. After games, we headed out to Duke's and WE WERE IN FOR A BLAST!!!! I really love Duke's, totally one of the best parts of the trip. In the beginning, a bunch of us went out onto the dancefloor and started line dancing, but I was really hestitant because I had no idea what to do. Later in the night though, I went out on the dancefloor and had the MOST EXCELLENT TIME!!! I also rode the mechanical bull, which I was EXTREMELY hesitant to do at first but afterwards I was definitely glad I tried it :)
They even played the Taylor song I requested for Alex and myself! Too bad he left early and didn't hear it, and also too bad no one else there seemed to know the song. OH WELL, I LOVED IT!
The rest of us eventually headed back to the house and sat around talking. Some wanted to drink more, some wanted to sleep, and I was just happy to be there :). I had soooooooooooo much fun on the trip, and that was the moment that I realized how badly I didn't want it to end. It did though, only a few of us were left for late night Rockband. Eventually that ended also, and it was time to turn in for the night. Chad's family was so welcoming and generous, they were the perfect company for a warm and relaxing holiday. And even though spending the weekend with nine guys was kind of gross at times, it was WELL-worth the fun times we had. The ride home the next day was a tad bit gruesome. In the car after I took my meds, I kept dreaming that we were crashing over and over again. Jeepers creepers...
I'm so glad that the weather permitted us to take this trip. And even though I don't think Portland is a very pretty city, and I'm not sure if I'd ever want to live there, I had a super fantastic time visiting Chad with my awesome friends for the Thanksgiving weekend -- and I'm so thankful for each and every moment.
And now, the Oregon Trail! We left Thursday morning and the car ride went smoothly. Like literally, Alex did a superb job of driving stickshift -- especially for someone who only learned a few weeks ago, it was most excellent. Gary was all over the place in the car, screaming nonsensical things. It was beyond entertaining though, and we definitely had interesting conversation. By the time we got to Portland it was dark and we were all antsy pantsy. We had dinner with Chadwick's family and then afterward, THE DRINKING BEGAN. We did Century Club but I only made it to 23. Oh well, I beat Henry. ;] Oh man, and Chad's uncles and dad sure know how to party. By the end of the night, there was a house full of drunk travellers... who did NOT make it to Black Friday!!!!!!! Sad. I wanted to go. But it's okay, I didn't wake up either LOL.
The next morning was very interesting. One of the boys, woke up pants and underwearless next to another boy, who was shirtless. Of these boys, who shall remain nameless, neither of the two seems to know how that happened. HAHAHAAHHAAH. That's awesome, awkward, and hilarious all rolled into one. We started the day with Waffle Window (which was yummers by the way) and we shopped the stores on Hawthorne (?), their Haight-ish neighborhood. We saw some cool stuff at the thrift stores before making our way to Downtown for the FOOD CARTS! The KBBQ tacos/burrito were pretty good, and the cheesasaurus rex was coooooooool. We shopped downtown a bit and ended up at Pioneer Mall. I got the coolest f'ing moose hat ever. I love it.
We had Thanksgiving dinner on Friday night, and I kid you not that was the tastiest turkey I've ever had in my life. I don't know WHAT they did, but it was sooo juicy and flavorful!!! Chad's dad also did the lamb and it was SO DELICIOUS!! After dinner we played Scattegories, I'm so glad Alex brought it!! I think Priscilla and I liked it the most because by the end everyone else wanted to play Taboo :( Later at night, we went to Ground Kontrol so the boys could play barcade. Afterward, we went to Blitz sports bar and I got sooo many compliments on my moose hat!!! :) :) :) I'm just going to end the recap of that night there... because I don't know exactly what happened in what order.. all I know is I had lots of fun!
Saturday we went to The Kennedy School for lunch. The food was not bad just not too memorable -- the raspberry ale I liked a whole lot. The place was kind of creepy, but kind of cool at the same time. Maybe it's just weird when you almost have to squat to wash your hands because the sink is so low? Whatever the case, I liked that place for the most part. After lunch we went to the flea market. MY FIRST TIME AT A FLEA MARKET!! I didn't buy anything but it was cool to walk around and look. I also tried an elephant ear for the first time :) As we were leaving the flea market it started to hail major. We went back and the other car went to pick up Voodoo donuts. I tried the blood filled Voodoo and it was good. Not the best thing since sliced bread though. They should really use more jelly in the filling!
I tried playing beer pong against Brian (totally thought I had a fair chance) but I lost pretty miserably. THANKFULLY David was my sponsor so I didn't have to drink! I thought I was bad at losing, but I think Alex might be worse. After games, we headed out to Duke's and WE WERE IN FOR A BLAST!!!! I really love Duke's, totally one of the best parts of the trip. In the beginning, a bunch of us went out onto the dancefloor and started line dancing, but I was really hestitant because I had no idea what to do. Later in the night though, I went out on the dancefloor and had the MOST EXCELLENT TIME!!! I also rode the mechanical bull, which I was EXTREMELY hesitant to do at first but afterwards I was definitely glad I tried it :)
They even played the Taylor song I requested for Alex and myself! Too bad he left early and didn't hear it, and also too bad no one else there seemed to know the song. OH WELL, I LOVED IT!
The rest of us eventually headed back to the house and sat around talking. Some wanted to drink more, some wanted to sleep, and I was just happy to be there :). I had soooooooooooo much fun on the trip, and that was the moment that I realized how badly I didn't want it to end. It did though, only a few of us were left for late night Rockband. Eventually that ended also, and it was time to turn in for the night. Chad's family was so welcoming and generous, they were the perfect company for a warm and relaxing holiday. And even though spending the weekend with nine guys was kind of gross at times, it was WELL-worth the fun times we had. The ride home the next day was a tad bit gruesome. In the car after I took my meds, I kept dreaming that we were crashing over and over again. Jeepers creepers...
I'm so glad that the weather permitted us to take this trip. And even though I don't think Portland is a very pretty city, and I'm not sure if I'd ever want to live there, I had a super fantastic time visiting Chad with my awesome friends for the Thanksgiving weekend -- and I'm so thankful for each and every moment.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Friday afternoon, after a full day of work, I caught an evening flight to Vegas with Rainbow. We were both exhausted and had meant to nap on the plane but we were having such a good time that by the time we settled down to sleep, we were already landing. That was probably the best flight I've ever taken, we were literally laughing the whole hour and a half. I wasn't surprise to see other people I knew on the same flight, it seemed as if everyone from San Francisco was in Vegas! Cindy and Amy met us at the airport and we went straight to the hotel to get ready. I thought the suite at the Venetian was pretty nice, probably my favorite hotel in Vegas now. I like the fancy little railing that separates the upper and lower levels, and the charming bathrooms with plenty of mirrors.

So us girls took so long to get ready that by the time Gary got to the hotel two hours later we were finally ready to go! We grabbed some food downstairs and then headed to Surrender to meet up the guys. I was kind of hesitant because I'd never heard of Surrender before, but it turned out to be my favorite club yet. I love the huge open space and the couches in the pool (even though they don't let you go in, go figure). The lights are gorgeous and the open sky makes it even more scenic. I had a really good time there, and I even REALLY liked the music - which I wasn't expecting at all. Stereo love!

After Surrender, we ended up at Tuscany for steak & egg breakfast. I ordered hash browns and I don't think they were very good. I lost my voice that first night, and it wouldn't be the last night lol. I can't quite remember everything that happened while we were eating but I remember having a really good time. =)

On Saturday, we met up Charles and went to eat Pho in Treasure Island. Then we walked the strip and shopped a wee bit. Amy and Cindy got the finishing touches for their costumes and we stopped by Fat Tuesdays for some novelty booze. It was my first Fat Tuesdays drink! And it was delicious. I shared a Bellini with Peach Shnapps with Nancy and Sinclair and it was sooooo good. To this day, I've NEVER had a bad bellini. We headed back to the hotel so I could get ready for dinner.
I joined the guys for Del Frisco's for dinner and it was freakin' delicious!! The steak was sooooo good, and we even got to watch the Sharks game while we ate =]. I really like that place! It was surprisingly not as expensive as I thought it would be, and I enjoyed every mouthful of that savory savory meat.
After dinner, we went back to the hotel to get our masquerade costumes together, and I think we looked fantastic! We were late to XS so we caught an Escalade ($55 for like 3 blocks? Drivers in Vegas sure make a lot of money) and thankfully we didn't have to wait to get in. We had table service so we got to waltz right in, and for once in my life I was so early that I got to take a picture in an empty club. Our cabana was pretty cool, right by the bathroom thank goodness. Lots of crazy dancing and picture taking, I think everyone had a really good time there as well. XS is always fun, especially dipping your feet in the pool after a looooong night. Alex found Julian!!! And brought him back to the cabana =] I had a drink with him and some other friends but eventually got lost and ended up back at the cabana. It was a semi-chaotic night. When we got back to the hotel we were famished, so we ordered room-service pizza. I wanted to get food from Grand Lux but it was SO PACKED and we couldn't wait that long. The pizza did the job.
Sunday morning, Janet and Sinclair left to head back to New York, and the rest of us went to Tao Beach for lunching & relaxing. The food wasn't bad, and drinks were pretty good. I LOOOVE tao beach, just the idea of lounging in swimwear with loud high-energy music and food and booze. That's my vacation trifecta. The guys met us up and we hung out a bit longer before heading back to the rooms to rest. I ended up getting sick shortly after, but a few hours of snoozing did me justice. When Rainbow and I woke up, Cindy and Amy had just stumbled in drunk and they ended up passing out. Four of us went first with the guys to TAO to get our handstamps, and picked up food from Grand Lux on the way back. Mmm mm, I LOVE Grand Lux, and I have yet to visit Vegas once without eating there. I hope to continue the tradition.

We had a nice chat while eating our yummy jumbo shrimp scampi pasta dishes in the room, and we debated whether or not we should actually go to the club. We were all so exhausted (and two were still passed out) from the two nights of clubbing before that we were completely content with staying in. But, in the spirit of Halloween, and Vegas, we finally forced ourselves to get ready. After all, we put in so much effort to get our Disney princesses theme together! Two hours later, we were all awake and looking gorgeous. The costumes came together quite nicely and we headed to Tao. The fact that we stayed at the Venetian and went to TAO on Sunday was a godsend, if it were any less convenient we probably wouldn't have made it. We didn't have to wait in line because we already had stamps, and it was easy as pie. The guys happened to get a table so we had a place to sit. Overall, Tao was a very chill night - mostly because we got in late. I still had lots of fun though, but one thing I don't understand is why Tao is so overrated. I didn't think the venue was that great (compared to XS and Surrender), but it wasn't bad either.

After the club I ended up in the guys room, and we were talking about future Vegas trips not happening, and happening, and road trips. And it just made me glad to be there, and sort of solidified how grateful I was that I got to be a part of that Vegas trip. As we get older, I hope that we have more hurrahs like that because seriously Vegas was the most fun I've ever had on a trip. All of my favorite people were there! And if we don't, at least I'll have that trip to remember - the one that set the bar.
Monday was painful for me, I was so exhausted from all of the partying. We had buffet lunch at the Rio and we ended up getting into a really lively conversation. I think we were all delirious, but I've never had such an interesting buffet lunch. We headed back to the hotel to meet up the guys again and await our flight. We said goodbye to Nancy who left before us (awh, love that girl) and in no time it was our turn to leave. The flight back was nice because most of us were flying together, but I wish we had all had seats together instead of scattered. The plane went crazy for about a minute when the Giants won, I could really care less though lol.
It was such a fantastic trip! And I have so many happy memories =) So thankful to have such great friends and awesome times, and I can't wait until we do it again.
So us girls took so long to get ready that by the time Gary got to the hotel two hours later we were finally ready to go! We grabbed some food downstairs and then headed to Surrender to meet up the guys. I was kind of hesitant because I'd never heard of Surrender before, but it turned out to be my favorite club yet. I love the huge open space and the couches in the pool (even though they don't let you go in, go figure). The lights are gorgeous and the open sky makes it even more scenic. I had a really good time there, and I even REALLY liked the music - which I wasn't expecting at all. Stereo love!
After Surrender, we ended up at Tuscany for steak & egg breakfast. I ordered hash browns and I don't think they were very good. I lost my voice that first night, and it wouldn't be the last night lol. I can't quite remember everything that happened while we were eating but I remember having a really good time. =)
On Saturday, we met up Charles and went to eat Pho in Treasure Island. Then we walked the strip and shopped a wee bit. Amy and Cindy got the finishing touches for their costumes and we stopped by Fat Tuesdays for some novelty booze. It was my first Fat Tuesdays drink! And it was delicious. I shared a Bellini with Peach Shnapps with Nancy and Sinclair and it was sooooo good. To this day, I've NEVER had a bad bellini. We headed back to the hotel so I could get ready for dinner.
I joined the guys for Del Frisco's for dinner and it was freakin' delicious!! The steak was sooooo good, and we even got to watch the Sharks game while we ate =]. I really like that place! It was surprisingly not as expensive as I thought it would be, and I enjoyed every mouthful of that savory savory meat.
After dinner, we went back to the hotel to get our masquerade costumes together, and I think we looked fantastic! We were late to XS so we caught an Escalade ($55 for like 3 blocks? Drivers in Vegas sure make a lot of money) and thankfully we didn't have to wait to get in. We had table service so we got to waltz right in, and for once in my life I was so early that I got to take a picture in an empty club. Our cabana was pretty cool, right by the bathroom thank goodness. Lots of crazy dancing and picture taking, I think everyone had a really good time there as well. XS is always fun, especially dipping your feet in the pool after a looooong night. Alex found Julian!!! And brought him back to the cabana =] I had a drink with him and some other friends but eventually got lost and ended up back at the cabana. It was a semi-chaotic night. When we got back to the hotel we were famished, so we ordered room-service pizza. I wanted to get food from Grand Lux but it was SO PACKED and we couldn't wait that long. The pizza did the job.
Sunday morning, Janet and Sinclair left to head back to New York, and the rest of us went to Tao Beach for lunching & relaxing. The food wasn't bad, and drinks were pretty good. I LOOOVE tao beach, just the idea of lounging in swimwear with loud high-energy music and food and booze. That's my vacation trifecta. The guys met us up and we hung out a bit longer before heading back to the rooms to rest. I ended up getting sick shortly after, but a few hours of snoozing did me justice. When Rainbow and I woke up, Cindy and Amy had just stumbled in drunk and they ended up passing out. Four of us went first with the guys to TAO to get our handstamps, and picked up food from Grand Lux on the way back. Mmm mm, I LOVE Grand Lux, and I have yet to visit Vegas once without eating there. I hope to continue the tradition.
We had a nice chat while eating our yummy jumbo shrimp scampi pasta dishes in the room, and we debated whether or not we should actually go to the club. We were all so exhausted (and two were still passed out) from the two nights of clubbing before that we were completely content with staying in. But, in the spirit of Halloween, and Vegas, we finally forced ourselves to get ready. After all, we put in so much effort to get our Disney princesses theme together! Two hours later, we were all awake and looking gorgeous. The costumes came together quite nicely and we headed to Tao. The fact that we stayed at the Venetian and went to TAO on Sunday was a godsend, if it were any less convenient we probably wouldn't have made it. We didn't have to wait in line because we already had stamps, and it was easy as pie. The guys happened to get a table so we had a place to sit. Overall, Tao was a very chill night - mostly because we got in late. I still had lots of fun though, but one thing I don't understand is why Tao is so overrated. I didn't think the venue was that great (compared to XS and Surrender), but it wasn't bad either.
After the club I ended up in the guys room, and we were talking about future Vegas trips not happening, and happening, and road trips. And it just made me glad to be there, and sort of solidified how grateful I was that I got to be a part of that Vegas trip. As we get older, I hope that we have more hurrahs like that because seriously Vegas was the most fun I've ever had on a trip. All of my favorite people were there! And if we don't, at least I'll have that trip to remember - the one that set the bar.
Monday was painful for me, I was so exhausted from all of the partying. We had buffet lunch at the Rio and we ended up getting into a really lively conversation. I think we were all delirious, but I've never had such an interesting buffet lunch. We headed back to the hotel to meet up the guys again and await our flight. We said goodbye to Nancy who left before us (awh, love that girl) and in no time it was our turn to leave. The flight back was nice because most of us were flying together, but I wish we had all had seats together instead of scattered. The plane went crazy for about a minute when the Giants won, I could really care less though lol.
It was such a fantastic trip! And I have so many happy memories =) So thankful to have such great friends and awesome times, and I can't wait until we do it again.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Borrowed Time
SO they say that there's a first time for everything - in this case, thank goodness that the first time wasn't the last.
I've been fortunate enough to never have been in an accident up until now. And, considering that I really could have died last night is seriously saddening. I was on 280NB, heading home after the Sharks game, and there was a disabled vehicle in my lane (no lights) that I didn't see until the last minute - it was behind a curve. I swerved to get out of the way and a few bumps and spins later I was dazed and bleeding, on the phone with 911.
One thing I'm especially grateful for is that I was driving a Pontiac and not something less substantial. The other things that I am grateful for: walking away with only minor injuries and that the other car was okay.
The firefighter EMTs and CHP officers were all very nice and helpful. They seemed really concerned and were surprisingly pleasant. Even the tow truck driver was friendly and accommodating - I lucked out on SO many counts last night.
Now to wait and hear from insurance. I have vowed to avoid dark, curvy freeways at night and the next car I buy will have one hell of a frame structure, just in case. I'm putting any trips and unnecessary expenses on the backburner until I get the bill.
Andy and Alex, those darlings, picked me up in Mountain View at midnight and took care of me. They fed me burgers and booze, watched Beauty and the Beast with me, and made me laugh. I am incredibly lucky, to be alive and to have such great friends.
I smacked my head.
Rupert smacked his head.
I've been fortunate enough to never have been in an accident up until now. And, considering that I really could have died last night is seriously saddening. I was on 280NB, heading home after the Sharks game, and there was a disabled vehicle in my lane (no lights) that I didn't see until the last minute - it was behind a curve. I swerved to get out of the way and a few bumps and spins later I was dazed and bleeding, on the phone with 911.
One thing I'm especially grateful for is that I was driving a Pontiac and not something less substantial. The other things that I am grateful for: walking away with only minor injuries and that the other car was okay.
The firefighter EMTs and CHP officers were all very nice and helpful. They seemed really concerned and were surprisingly pleasant. Even the tow truck driver was friendly and accommodating - I lucked out on SO many counts last night.
Now to wait and hear from insurance. I have vowed to avoid dark, curvy freeways at night and the next car I buy will have one hell of a frame structure, just in case. I'm putting any trips and unnecessary expenses on the backburner until I get the bill.
Andy and Alex, those darlings, picked me up in Mountain View at midnight and took care of me. They fed me burgers and booze, watched Beauty and the Beast with me, and made me laugh. I am incredibly lucky, to be alive and to have such great friends.
I smacked my head.
Rupert smacked his head.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Foam Blizzard & Anberlin
Crazy fun times!!!
I've been working late the past few weeks, lots of deadlines and things to do - this weekend was just what I needed.
Chad is back this week, and for his birthday on Saturday we had a foam party. BEST IDEA EVER!!! I was worried about the weather but it was actually a gorgeous day. Later in the afternoon it got a bit windy, but that just made it more awesome because the wind picked up the foam and made tornados =) The speaker setup was great and it was like our own little foam club.

Saturday night was Corinna's surprise birthday at Mayes. I always have a good time at Mayes, really diverse crowd and spectacular live DJs. I was pretty exhausted though from dancing in the foam - I was sore already by the time I got to the bar.
Sunday night was the Anberlin concert at the Regency! We went late so we didn't have to watch the opening acts, and the show was LOTS OF FUN. I went outside by myself to get some air about halfway through Anberlin's set and I met the guitarist from Civil Twilight! He was super cool, we made small talk. The concert was killer on my sore calves but totally worth it. I was glad that it wasn't TOO crowded and we were able to get close to the front. Great performers, and my kind of music.

Overall an amazing weekend with tons of memories and smiles all around. Oh how I love SF <3
I've been working late the past few weeks, lots of deadlines and things to do - this weekend was just what I needed.
Chad is back this week, and for his birthday on Saturday we had a foam party. BEST IDEA EVER!!! I was worried about the weather but it was actually a gorgeous day. Later in the afternoon it got a bit windy, but that just made it more awesome because the wind picked up the foam and made tornados =) The speaker setup was great and it was like our own little foam club.
Saturday night was Corinna's surprise birthday at Mayes. I always have a good time at Mayes, really diverse crowd and spectacular live DJs. I was pretty exhausted though from dancing in the foam - I was sore already by the time I got to the bar.
Sunday night was the Anberlin concert at the Regency! We went late so we didn't have to watch the opening acts, and the show was LOTS OF FUN. I went outside by myself to get some air about halfway through Anberlin's set and I met the guitarist from Civil Twilight! He was super cool, we made small talk. The concert was killer on my sore calves but totally worth it. I was glad that it wasn't TOO crowded and we were able to get close to the front. Great performers, and my kind of music.

Overall an amazing weekend with tons of memories and smiles all around. Oh how I love SF <3
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sifting Through Stuffies
Lately I've been contemplating moving out, getting a new car, or saving up. While weighing the costs of the first two, I'm hesitant to jump into the former options because 1) moving out now seems almost a moot point, because I hope to move out of the bay area within the next year or so, and 2) getting a new car before moving away doesn't make too much sense considering I haven't decided where I'll be moving yet.
SO for now, I will be content to stay home. What makes moving out doubly complicated, is that once I leave I won't be able to keep ANYTHING here. That means I'll have to lighten up my load, pronto. In the meantime though, this weekend I bought new sheets and a new duvet (animal print, rawr) to freshen up my dwelling.
I am resolved, however, to move away for at least a year before I settle. I've been in the same place forever - literally, and I love the bay area so much that I know I'll retire here. That makes now the most ideal, and perhaps the only chance I'll have to experience another way of life. To make things easier when I finally do move, I have to slim down the baggage. Starting with my stuffed animals, and then my high school and college English work (essays, readers, notes and such). This is going to take some motivation.
Funny quote from HIMYM to end with:
"Robin’s dad has never spoken the six words she longs to hear: 'Robin, I’m proud of you, eh?'"
SO for now, I will be content to stay home. What makes moving out doubly complicated, is that once I leave I won't be able to keep ANYTHING here. That means I'll have to lighten up my load, pronto. In the meantime though, this weekend I bought new sheets and a new duvet (animal print, rawr) to freshen up my dwelling.
I am resolved, however, to move away for at least a year before I settle. I've been in the same place forever - literally, and I love the bay area so much that I know I'll retire here. That makes now the most ideal, and perhaps the only chance I'll have to experience another way of life. To make things easier when I finally do move, I have to slim down the baggage. Starting with my stuffed animals, and then my high school and college English work (essays, readers, notes and such). This is going to take some motivation.
Funny quote from HIMYM to end with:
"Robin’s dad has never spoken the six words she longs to hear: 'Robin, I’m proud of you, eh?'"
Thursday, September 23, 2010
My Hobbies: Hockey, TV, Reading, Being Bossy.
Hockey season has begun!!! Well, pre-begun. But still, Alex and I are going to the first Sharks home game 2m and I'm excited for what I hope will be a great season =)
I just finished Chasing Harry Winston by Weisberger. It was simply amazing. I would say that every emotion and most situations that I've experienced for the past four years were covered in those pages. I picked it up spontaneously at the airport when my flight to LA was delayed a few weeks ago and that was the best idea ever - TOP 10 books of all time!
Also - a bunch of my fave shows started tonight, all lined up: Community, 30 Rock, then The Office. The show that follows, Outsourced, seems pretty promising. AND THEN JERSEY SHORE IS RIGHT AFTER THAT! I can totally see where my next few months of Thursdays will be going. Each a Thursday well spent.
Some days I just feel like a fuckin boss. Today is one.
I've got a million ways to get it, choose one. Bring it back, now double your money and make it stack.
I just finished Chasing Harry Winston by Weisberger. It was simply amazing. I would say that every emotion and most situations that I've experienced for the past four years were covered in those pages. I picked it up spontaneously at the airport when my flight to LA was delayed a few weeks ago and that was the best idea ever - TOP 10 books of all time!
Also - a bunch of my fave shows started tonight, all lined up: Community, 30 Rock, then The Office. The show that follows, Outsourced, seems pretty promising. AND THEN JERSEY SHORE IS RIGHT AFTER THAT! I can totally see where my next few months of Thursdays will be going. Each a Thursday well spent.
Some days I just feel like a fuckin boss. Today is one.
I've got a million ways to get it, choose one. Bring it back, now double your money and make it stack.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
LA Weekender
I just got back from LA! Was a short trip, but surprisingly I saw more of LA than I've seen my past trips combined ~
I flew in Saturday night (this is what happens when you book your flight two months in advance, and then change jobs) and Julian and I went straight to The Hat! Gosh, the pastrami is sooo greasy there, but soooo good. I felt mega guilty but it was definitely worth it. After eating, we went to Tony's surprise party! And boy was I in for a surprise. When I got there, I soon realized that 7 or 8 friends from SF had moved down to SoCal and all still hang out down there. So, it was like a party with more than half of the people from SF, in LA! That was weird!! But it was also great, to see so many familiar faces :) SO the drinking commenced, and there were lots of ridiculous, hilarious moments.
On Sunday, we went to Orochan to get ramen for lunch. MMmm it was good, I think I like their noodles better than Santa! We looked around in the Japantown area for a little bit and then we went to DISNEYLAND!!! I usually don't have all that much fun at Disneyland because I hate waiting, but since it was only two of us we didn't have to wait for anyone. And lucky us, the lines weren't long. We were able to get on Indiana Jones in 15 minutes, and Pirates in less than 10. We rode Tower of Terror for the first time, and OMG it was really terrifying. I couldn't believe how awesomely violent the ride was, I thought it was going to be really gentle because they put it in California Adventure next to the kiddie park..
We watched a bunch of shows and went through the animation museum. The zoetrope for Toy Story was so freakin' cool. I LOVED the Monsters Inc ride also. And we bought cool pirate swag :) We even stopped at the winery area and got a sweet buzz going. After drinking was TURKEY LEGS OF COURSE! And we ate them with salsa this time, I couldn't believe how TASTY IT WAS! I looooove turkey legs, NOMM! The weather was perfect, it was hot but there was always a breeze. We stayed until pretty late to watch the World of Color show, and it seriously took my breath away. The Pirates of the Caribbean segment and the Little Mermaid segments were my fave. But of course, it was ALL GOOD!
After Disneyland, we headed back to Hollywood and had a late dinner at Cafe Aroma. It was a snazzy place with a heated outdoor seating area and fantastic food. Their menu was huge and their desserts were awesome to the max. Before heading home, we drove around LA and looked at all of the different areas. I can't say that LA is very pretty, but it sure is lively. Even at 1:00AM on a Sunday night there seemed to be LOTS of nightlife still happening.
Sunday I got to check out Xino and it had SUCH a gorgeous view! We ate at a wine bar next door - the view and the weather were perfect, and we relaxed with our super rich food. The truffle fries were REALLY good there, but I didn't like everything else. The oysters though, were also good - and the wine was excellent.
After lunch we checked out Santa Monica and Venice Beach. We saw the canals, I recognized it from Valentine's Day where! The canals are so gorgeous.. now THAT'S somewhere I'd like to live one day. Everywhere else in LA just wasn't as amazing. We had Kbbq for dinner and everybody knows that korean food in LA is ALWAYS good. Yum, what a delicious trip! It was short but sweet, and it was a nice little mini-vaca. SO many good eats, love it!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
BBQ Gloriousness
Reno's Best in the West Nugget Rib Cook-Off!!!
Early Saturday morning we headed up to Reno for the BBQ festival, and O-M-G the ribs were so good! Before this I honestly didn't care for ribs at all, but the ribs here were NOTHING like any ribs I've had before!
My favorite ribs of all were:
1) Bone Daddy's sweet sauce ribs
and 2) Wellingham's spicy sauce ribs.
The Aussum Aussie ribs were a tad bit too salty for me, and I can't remember the names of the other place's - but they weren't as good. Wellingham's also had pulled-pork nachos. YUM! Alex's taste in ribs seems to be exactly opposite to mine. Nonetheless, everything I tried was deeee-licious! I'm so happy I went! The drive up and back wasn't so bad, because I took the Charger and we had some very interesting conversation with great company.
By the way, still love that car. I think it's hilarous that the doors have ridiculously strong hinged springs and when you open the door, it bounces back and smacks you back into the car. This whole week I thought it was just my imagination, but it was smacking everyone else today too. HILARIOUS!!!
And I played the Betti the Yetti slots at the Nugget during our gambling break and turned $20 into $60! Of course, then I kept playing and I lost some of my winnings. I ended up walking away with $40 though, I'm pretty lucky that I was able to walk away before squandering more.
Other notables were the fresh-squeezed lemonades (SO refreshing), root beer shaved ice - I've always loved shaved ice and root beer is also a fave, and the rocky road apple for dessert! Great selection of scrumptious foods, and now I can see why people drive 5 hours each way to eat ribs ALL DAY LONG in the scorching heat. Because it's totally worth it and I'd do it again every year! =)
Early Saturday morning we headed up to Reno for the BBQ festival, and O-M-G the ribs were so good! Before this I honestly didn't care for ribs at all, but the ribs here were NOTHING like any ribs I've had before!
My favorite ribs of all were:
1) Bone Daddy's sweet sauce ribs
and 2) Wellingham's spicy sauce ribs.
The Aussum Aussie ribs were a tad bit too salty for me, and I can't remember the names of the other place's - but they weren't as good. Wellingham's also had pulled-pork nachos. YUM! Alex's taste in ribs seems to be exactly opposite to mine. Nonetheless, everything I tried was deeee-licious! I'm so happy I went! The drive up and back wasn't so bad, because I took the Charger and we had some very interesting conversation with great company.
By the way, still love that car. I think it's hilarous that the doors have ridiculously strong hinged springs and when you open the door, it bounces back and smacks you back into the car. This whole week I thought it was just my imagination, but it was smacking everyone else today too. HILARIOUS!!!
And I played the Betti the Yetti slots at the Nugget during our gambling break and turned $20 into $60! Of course, then I kept playing and I lost some of my winnings. I ended up walking away with $40 though, I'm pretty lucky that I was able to walk away before squandering more.
Other notables were the fresh-squeezed lemonades (SO refreshing), root beer shaved ice - I've always loved shaved ice and root beer is also a fave, and the rocky road apple for dessert! Great selection of scrumptious foods, and now I can see why people drive 5 hours each way to eat ribs ALL DAY LONG in the scorching heat. Because it's totally worth it and I'd do it again every year! =)
Friday, September 3, 2010
Muscle Cars!

So for the past month I've been busy with the new job. The work is sometimes frustrating but I do still enjoy it overall, and my coworkers are great. Earlier tonight we had a team bbq at my boss's place and there was good company and great food. Yum! Other than that, I'm almost done with Season 3 of Arrested Development, and I'd say it's in the running for my Next Top TV Series. =) Planning to watching the seasons all over again!
I've been procrastinating on going to the gym consistently, and I haven't gone at all. I've been doing plenty of eating though! Happy hours and greedy lunches, sigh. We remodeled our kitchen so for a little over a week I was eating out all of the time. THAT can't be good. But hey, the kitchen is looking sweeet!
Last weekend was Eric's birthday at Tomales Bay and the drive there was... GORGEOUS! I ended up going by myself, but I really didn't mind because it was a sunny day and apparently I took the scenic route twice (I didn't realize there was a shorter alternative). Definitely therapeutic, and I got my fill of oysters. =)

So this is our summer! The evenings in the city are even warm sometimes! FINALLY! I went to China beach last week after work to watch the sunset, it was such a nice treat. This week I went to Ocean beach to watch the sunset. I really do love SF, because there's always a beach nearby when you need one.
Nancy came back for her birthday last week, and we went out for drinks. I seriously haven't seen her since high school, that's seven years! She moved away and stayed away, but we're going to Vegas in October. WooT!! THAT is going to be a wild time.
In other news, Rupert got broken into and the culprit butchered my door. So while he's in the shop getting all fixed up I have a rental until next week. It really sucks that I'm paying a pretty hefty deductible to do work for something that was completely out of my control. And, THEY DIDN'T STEAL ANYTHING!! Well, there was nothing to steal. But I feel like I'm paying for nothing, and no one got anything (except the insurance, and the shop).
But.. on the BRIGHT side, the rental is a CHARGER!! I don't even think I can explain how excited I was when they walked me over to the only Charger hidden in the corner of the lot. The whole time I was doing the paperwork at Enterprise, I was thinking I was going to get a sucky Kia. But nope, they gave me something "comparable" to what I normally drive. And I say this is CERTAINLY more than comparable, it's delightful!
I love it. I love it love it love it. And even though I know it's probably one of the most unreliable, impractical options on the market, I'm still considering getting one. Or something like it! It's HUGE, and so powerful. And man, it just looks ridiculously badass. I love muscle cars. And with that, I'll leave you with this:
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Seattle Recap!
SO, I just got back from Seattle. And I had an awesome time =) Lots of enjoyable memories and uncontrollable laughter, but this is the recap so I'll keep it brief:
I flew into Seattle on Thursday after work, and was exhausted. Victor picked me up from the airport and we went to eat at Joey's before heading back. I was too tired to go out so we watched a few episodes of The Office and called it a night. Somewhere along the way, probably on the airplane, I had (what I think was) an allergic reaction and my eyes started swelling.
Friday we had a late start because I was trying to rest so my eyes would get better. No dice. We had lunch at Vietnam House and then went to Chateau Ste. Michelle winery. There we picked up some wine, and took pictures =) It was HOT! I didn't realize that Seattle got THAT hot, like ever? On the way back we stopped by at Victor's uncle's house and took a gander at the humongous koi fishes in the fish pond. THEY WERE PUPPY-SIZED, freakin' coolest koi pond ever. We stopped and saw the Fremont Troll under the tunnel, on Troll Ave. Hehe. And then we went to Kirkland waterfront and took more pictures. I got froyo there!

After the heat let up a bit, we picked up snacks and headed back to watch Death Note. For the most part I was pretty impressed with the movie. I wish they had covered the entire anime, but I guess I can't have everything! We ended up eating so much of the snacks that we didn't have dinner, haha. Later at night we went to Menie's to drink and hangout.
Saturday morning was an early start, Charles showed up sometime in the AMs and we met other people before heading out to the Warped Tour. The drive was a few hours, and the Gorge Ampitheatre was definitely an impressive venue. The view was GORGE-ous, and huge! It ended up being an excellent, hot, adventure and I was sooo exhausted by the time we left. We got back to Seattle around 8 and had sushi. Afterward we ended up staying in because I was already hungover from being dehydrated all day. Yuck! We watched some How I Met Your Mother, and I think it started to grow on me, just a little bit. I'll have to see how that works out later.

Sunday we had lunch with Charles at Purple Cafe in Bellevue. It was a really nice place and the crab cakes were delicious. The coffee was GREAT, but apparently I should have expected that - being in Seattle and all. We missed our original Ride the Ducks reservation at 2, so we pushed it back to 4:30. We picked up Menie and rode that duck! That tour was PURE AWESOMENESS! One of the best parts of the trip, if not the best. The music, the weather, and the unbeatable scenery made it a spectacular experience. I was VERY impressed - Seattle is almost as pretty as San Francisco. I said almost. =)

For dinner we had Ivar's and I got clam chowder. Looove me some clam chowder. We met up others at Red Robin, then went back to Menie's place to hang out again. She made a REALLY GOOD oxtail stew. I LOVE oxtail stew! Later at night, we went to a few bars in 'Cap Hill' and had a good time. Amazing company and new places are fun, I just wish I had more energy in that heat!
Monday we were supposed to go to the museum, but I was so burn out that we ended up picking up Malaysian food and eating while watching Season 4 of The Office. It was a nice relaxing day, the perfect way to end my vacation! I had such a great time in Seattle, and I think over this trip I've started to love it. It's like SF + trees, and THEY ACTUALLY HAVE SUMMER WEATHER!
In short, I had one hell of a trip. Seattle - I'll be back.
I flew into Seattle on Thursday after work, and was exhausted. Victor picked me up from the airport and we went to eat at Joey's before heading back. I was too tired to go out so we watched a few episodes of The Office and called it a night. Somewhere along the way, probably on the airplane, I had (what I think was) an allergic reaction and my eyes started swelling.
Friday we had a late start because I was trying to rest so my eyes would get better. No dice. We had lunch at Vietnam House and then went to Chateau Ste. Michelle winery. There we picked up some wine, and took pictures =) It was HOT! I didn't realize that Seattle got THAT hot, like ever? On the way back we stopped by at Victor's uncle's house and took a gander at the humongous koi fishes in the fish pond. THEY WERE PUPPY-SIZED, freakin' coolest koi pond ever. We stopped and saw the Fremont Troll under the tunnel, on Troll Ave. Hehe. And then we went to Kirkland waterfront and took more pictures. I got froyo there!

After the heat let up a bit, we picked up snacks and headed back to watch Death Note. For the most part I was pretty impressed with the movie. I wish they had covered the entire anime, but I guess I can't have everything! We ended up eating so much of the snacks that we didn't have dinner, haha. Later at night we went to Menie's to drink and hangout.
Saturday morning was an early start, Charles showed up sometime in the AMs and we met other people before heading out to the Warped Tour. The drive was a few hours, and the Gorge Ampitheatre was definitely an impressive venue. The view was GORGE-ous, and huge! It ended up being an excellent, hot, adventure and I was sooo exhausted by the time we left. We got back to Seattle around 8 and had sushi. Afterward we ended up staying in because I was already hungover from being dehydrated all day. Yuck! We watched some How I Met Your Mother, and I think it started to grow on me, just a little bit. I'll have to see how that works out later.

Sunday we had lunch with Charles at Purple Cafe in Bellevue. It was a really nice place and the crab cakes were delicious. The coffee was GREAT, but apparently I should have expected that - being in Seattle and all. We missed our original Ride the Ducks reservation at 2, so we pushed it back to 4:30. We picked up Menie and rode that duck! That tour was PURE AWESOMENESS! One of the best parts of the trip, if not the best. The music, the weather, and the unbeatable scenery made it a spectacular experience. I was VERY impressed - Seattle is almost as pretty as San Francisco. I said almost. =)

For dinner we had Ivar's and I got clam chowder. Looove me some clam chowder. We met up others at Red Robin, then went back to Menie's place to hang out again. She made a REALLY GOOD oxtail stew. I LOVE oxtail stew! Later at night, we went to a few bars in 'Cap Hill' and had a good time. Amazing company and new places are fun, I just wish I had more energy in that heat!
Monday we were supposed to go to the museum, but I was so burn out that we ended up picking up Malaysian food and eating while watching Season 4 of The Office. It was a nice relaxing day, the perfect way to end my vacation! I had such a great time in Seattle, and I think over this trip I've started to love it. It's like SF + trees, and THEY ACTUALLY HAVE SUMMER WEATHER!
In short, I had one hell of a trip. Seattle - I'll be back.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The New Jay Oh Bee
So, the new job is officially fan-tas-tic! =) Much more fun than I had anticipated, and I don't know if I could ask for more. Well, more money, but you can always ask for more money. As far as coworkers, environment, management, and actual work goes, I seriously couldn't ask for much else! Great benefits, corporate discounts, company lunches, fully-stocked kitchens, and happy hour. OMG, it almost feels too good to be true.
And the work? I really enjoy the projects because they're so hands-on and I definitely get to see all of my effort in the final result. Right now we're between projects, so I'm learning how to code HTML and CSS. Yesterday, I made my own webpage! I'm learning tons about MS Office also - so many things I didn't know you could do in Excel. I'm already nearing the end of my second week, and I'm still excited!
There are so many lunch places to explore in San Mateo, and so much sunshine out there to bask in =) I met with Nick and Jon last week for Santa Ramen, YUM! I haven't had much free time but I've managed to get to HH a couple of evenings and went to Regina's birthday last Saturday. It's difficult going out, what with all of the waking up early and working at BMW on Saturdays still. Although, the commute really isn't as bad as I thought it would be, and I honestly don't mind the drive. I haven't decided how to decorate my cube yet, but I'm thinking frogs will be all I need!
Right now I'm packing for Seattle, I'm flying out after work tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have time to blog about my trip, got lots of fun activities planned and am sure I'll have plenty of pictures. SO much going on, so little time!!!
And the work? I really enjoy the projects because they're so hands-on and I definitely get to see all of my effort in the final result. Right now we're between projects, so I'm learning how to code HTML and CSS. Yesterday, I made my own webpage! I'm learning tons about MS Office also - so many things I didn't know you could do in Excel. I'm already nearing the end of my second week, and I'm still excited!
There are so many lunch places to explore in San Mateo, and so much sunshine out there to bask in =) I met with Nick and Jon last week for Santa Ramen, YUM! I haven't had much free time but I've managed to get to HH a couple of evenings and went to Regina's birthday last Saturday. It's difficult going out, what with all of the waking up early and working at BMW on Saturdays still. Although, the commute really isn't as bad as I thought it would be, and I honestly don't mind the drive. I haven't decided how to decorate my cube yet, but I'm thinking frogs will be all I need!
Right now I'm packing for Seattle, I'm flying out after work tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have time to blog about my trip, got lots of fun activities planned and am sure I'll have plenty of pictures. SO much going on, so little time!!!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Imax, Inception & Brief Inspiration
Today I saw Inception, and it was actually my first experience with Imax - I was absolutely impressed. I think the volume was a bit loud, but other than that I was wowed by the gigantic, perforated screen with mega surround sound and all that jazz.
The movie was great, probably one of the top 3 action movies I've ever seen. I couldn't get over how intricate the screenplay was, and as I was watching I was also hoping that I too, one day, could compose something as flawless as this. As we exited the theatre, Chris and I discussed our takes on the events and the ending. I couldn't stop commenting on how much I enjoyed the movie and I was just really excited about it. This doesn't usually happen, actually ever. Normally I don't have too much to say about movies, but today I was spewing. Inception was cinematic genius.
AND THEN when I got home, someone else wanted to discuss the movie, and consequently the ending. The discussion turned into what I felt was an unwelcome debate, and at first I tried to entertain his notions but eventually they began to undermine my own. Now I don't know if I even understand the movie. Even though I still feel strongly about my interpretation, I'm not excited about the movie at all - I'm simply frustrated.
Maybe it's because I don't like feeling unsure of things, maybe it's because I just wanted to enjoy the movie for what it was. Now the joy has been sucked away by analysis and imposing theories. I feel like whatever inspiration that such a great movie had brought has been slammed, and I won't feel that way again for a long time. Obviously, I appreciate movies in a different way than others - at face value. Tearing things to pieces brings me no joy.
The movie was great, probably one of the top 3 action movies I've ever seen. I couldn't get over how intricate the screenplay was, and as I was watching I was also hoping that I too, one day, could compose something as flawless as this. As we exited the theatre, Chris and I discussed our takes on the events and the ending. I couldn't stop commenting on how much I enjoyed the movie and I was just really excited about it. This doesn't usually happen, actually ever. Normally I don't have too much to say about movies, but today I was spewing. Inception was cinematic genius.
AND THEN when I got home, someone else wanted to discuss the movie, and consequently the ending. The discussion turned into what I felt was an unwelcome debate, and at first I tried to entertain his notions but eventually they began to undermine my own. Now I don't know if I even understand the movie. Even though I still feel strongly about my interpretation, I'm not excited about the movie at all - I'm simply frustrated.
Maybe it's because I don't like feeling unsure of things, maybe it's because I just wanted to enjoy the movie for what it was. Now the joy has been sucked away by analysis and imposing theories. I feel like whatever inspiration that such a great movie had brought has been slammed, and I won't feel that way again for a long time. Obviously, I appreciate movies in a different way than others - at face value. Tearing things to pieces brings me no joy.
Monday, July 26, 2010
The Office, Going to the Office, Office Attire

Guess who got their glaaaaaassessssssss :) Picture immediately per Chad's request! I picked them up after tonss of shopping. I drove to San Mateo this morning at 8:30 to see how the commute will be, and I got "to work" right around 9:10. I guess it's going to take 45 minutes door to door, which really isn't so bad. I didn't expect much less, this will just take some getting used to.
I went to Bridgepointe, Hillsdale, Serramonte, and then back to Hillsdale! I bought work clothes and work shoes, and a few extra things in between. Actually, quite a few extra things. Oh well, it's probably going to be a while before I get to shop again! And this is my last Monday off... ever.. until the next holiday. LOL.
SO when I was at Target, I noticed that they have these new carts made up ENTIRELY of plastic. And they're COMPLETLEY SILENT! I think this is pretty dangerous, because every aisle is a blind corner and you really can't tell when another person is approaching. It reminded me of The Office, when Andy pushes Dwight into the bush after sneaking up silenty in his Prius.
I've been watching The Office the past few days, and I sincerely hope that my new job is like that. I hope there's a Dwight, and a Kevin, and also a Jim. Not a Michael though, don't think I can handle that. Maybe I'm expecting too much... but a girl can hope, can't she?
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Power of Expectation
Donnie Darko is one of my favorite movies of all time. It's creepy, it's crawly, and it's twisted beyond recognition. That bunny suit scares the crap out of me, but it also deeply intrigues me.
So tonight I got really excited when I saw S. Darko on Netflix! Users only gave it a 2-star rating, so that lowered the bar a bit - but maybe not enough. I was still expecting the awesome flavors that Donnie Darko left lingering oh so long ago.
The outcome? I spent the first half of the movie thinking "God, this is so lame" over and over. There were moments taken from first movie and cheaply imitated in the second for the sake of tying the two together. As though the producers were grasping for reoccuring themes to make the sequel seem legit.
I kept watching, because I liked the cast. The two girls were each a less-crazy adaption off Megan Fox's role in Jennifer's Body (or actually any of her roles, for that matter) and it was VERY entertaining. After I deemed this a horrible sequel, I let all of my expectations go and was finally able to enjoy the movie.
The ending tied everything together, and once I started following the movie as an independent work and not a "sequel", I thoroughly appreciated it. This revelation was reminiscent of what a really close friend said to me recently. When I was frustrated and upset, my trust betrayed by someone close, he told me: "People never fail to disappoint, that's why I keep my expectations so low".
At first this statement seems intensely negative, and perhaps unhealthy. But in all honesty, if I could keep my expectations low I would never be disappointed. And when you invest too much into a person, an idea, a movie even - you will likely get left high and dry! BUT IF you can refrain from harboring expectation, you just might be able to find satisfaction in everything at face value. Like S. Darko. Like the flawed people we encounter in our lives.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Feeding & Movie Frenzy
This weekend was pretty eventful. Thursday night I went to HH with Charles to celebrate my new job and catch up, and then went to Holy Cow with the guys. Needless to say, Friday night I was home recovering. I finished Weeds season 5, and it definitely did not disappoint. I also watched Invictus, and I was momentarily inspired by the power of rugby to unite a nation. Yeah, go rugby! Saturday night, I went to dinner with Julian at Santana Row and we got to check out the newly remodeled Straits! His parents joined us at Sino and we lost track of time, so I didn't make it to Pearl for Lily's birthday =(.
Sunday, I was back at the driving range - I did pretty well, but I think it's sad that I have still yet to play a game. As soon as my schedule settles down, lessons it is! I went to watch Despicable Me with Julian, and we ran into two of our guy friends who just came out of Twilight together. HOW CUTE!!! Afterwards, we ate at Red Crawfish (nom nom nom) and then watched Bounty Hunter at his place while he packed the rest of his stuff.
Monday I purposely did absolutely nothing. Yup, I've got to enjoy what remains of my mondays off. They will be gone soon! I watched Paul Blart Mall Cop, and then I realized that the movie I REALLY wanted to watch was Observe & Report. Damnit, I didn't realize there were two mall cop movies!
For lunch at work today, we ordered pastrami sandos from Deli Board. O, M, F, G. SO GOOD. And then after work, I went to the optometrist and got glasses for driving. I'm excited to pick them up next week =) I can be a four-eyes too! After the optomo, I went to Alex's house and played with his SUPER CUTE dog. He also gave me Sharks goodies HOW COOL IS HE!! I'm so excited for next season. We got a 10pak! WOOT! And we watched Inglorious Basterds, and his mom cooked dinner. OMG her food is always so good, I feel like a stuffed pig. NO, I AM a stuffed pig. Sigh.
Sunday, I was back at the driving range - I did pretty well, but I think it's sad that I have still yet to play a game. As soon as my schedule settles down, lessons it is! I went to watch Despicable Me with Julian, and we ran into two of our guy friends who just came out of Twilight together. HOW CUTE!!! Afterwards, we ate at Red Crawfish (nom nom nom) and then watched Bounty Hunter at his place while he packed the rest of his stuff.
Monday I purposely did absolutely nothing. Yup, I've got to enjoy what remains of my mondays off. They will be gone soon! I watched Paul Blart Mall Cop, and then I realized that the movie I REALLY wanted to watch was Observe & Report. Damnit, I didn't realize there were two mall cop movies!
For lunch at work today, we ordered pastrami sandos from Deli Board. O, M, F, G. SO GOOD. And then after work, I went to the optometrist and got glasses for driving. I'm excited to pick them up next week =) I can be a four-eyes too! After the optomo, I went to Alex's house and played with his SUPER CUTE dog. He also gave me Sharks goodies HOW COOL IS HE!! I'm so excited for next season. We got a 10pak! WOOT! And we watched Inglorious Basterds, and his mom cooked dinner. OMG her food is always so good, I feel like a stuffed pig. NO, I AM a stuffed pig. Sigh.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Grand Opening, Grand Closing
I interviewed for a tech writing position on Monday, and was surprised at how relaxed I was. I think I've finally fully grown into my personality. Someone once told me that you don't really know who you are until after college, when you're 20 something. Now I understand. But anyway, if I was nervous at all it was only because I've never interviewed for something and not gotten the job. My winning streak was on the line!
Tuesday morning I got word, in the form of a job offer. I accepted earlier today, and informed BMW. On one hand, I was really excited! And I knew they would be happy for me! On the other hand, I'm really sad to go. So many fond memories and great relationships have stemmed from BMW, and I really and truly enjoyed my time there. An experience I will never forget.
But here I am, embarking on a new journey. Growing up and jumpstarting a career. I've started building my "work wardrobe" and will continue to do so for the next weeks. No more jeans and t-shirts! But hey, August will be an amazing month. New job, Seattle trip! SO MANY ACTIVITIES!!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Blast From The Past
This week was one huge treat! On Monday I went to dinner with the first guy I ever had a crush on. We had the same class in elementary school, and he barely knew I existed. TOTALLY, biggest, crush, ever. How times have changed, friends almost two decades later. Such a small world..
In other news, I went to Dave & Busters on Wednesday night for Marco's birthday. We took a Kragen picture with a bunch of the old crew, I haven't seen those guys in YEARS! =) Definitely a happy hour, methinks. I had tons of fun playing the driving games and the gunning game. Andy ordered me a Jack & Ginger, and I'm thinking that Jack is starting to grow on me now? Yeah, weird.
Thursday, a bunch of us went to see Disney's World of Color highlights show at Legion of Honor after getting froyo. The show was actually a GREAT marketing ploy because I'm totally going to California Adventure when I visit LA in September. I HAVE GOT TO see the real thing, I'm so excited! And I'm definitely going to Pinkberry down there too. <3 Hot weather & froyo.
Tonight I stayed home and built the desk/chair/lamp combo I bought from Walmart weeks ago. The instructions were garbage, mostly diagrams which sadly were incomplete. YES, THERE WERE PARTS THAT WEREN'T INCLUDED IN THE DIRECTIONS! Good thing I'm handy. At least I had fun building it - definitely a challenge LOL. I also finished Season 3 of Weeds and I'm soooo hooked. What am I going to do when I finish this season? I'm running out!!!
In other news, I went to Dave & Busters on Wednesday night for Marco's birthday. We took a Kragen picture with a bunch of the old crew, I haven't seen those guys in YEARS! =) Definitely a happy hour, methinks. I had tons of fun playing the driving games and the gunning game. Andy ordered me a Jack & Ginger, and I'm thinking that Jack is starting to grow on me now? Yeah, weird.

Thursday, a bunch of us went to see Disney's World of Color highlights show at Legion of Honor after getting froyo. The show was actually a GREAT marketing ploy because I'm totally going to California Adventure when I visit LA in September. I HAVE GOT TO see the real thing, I'm so excited! And I'm definitely going to Pinkberry down there too. <3 Hot weather & froyo.

Tonight I stayed home and built the desk/chair/lamp combo I bought from Walmart weeks ago. The instructions were garbage, mostly diagrams which sadly were incomplete. YES, THERE WERE PARTS THAT WEREN'T INCLUDED IN THE DIRECTIONS! Good thing I'm handy. At least I had fun building it - definitely a challenge LOL. I also finished Season 3 of Weeds and I'm soooo hooked. What am I going to do when I finish this season? I'm running out!!!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Independence Day Redefined
So today I celebrated independence - not the independence of our wonderful nation, but of myself! By definition, independence is being free of control or influence from others. And you know what I did? Instead of going to a bbq and stuffing my face with garbage, I stayed home and had some me-time.
I finished season 1 of Weeds, and it was great. I think I teared up almost every other episode which is remarkable because I've never felt so bad for a protagonist, ever. Aside from eliciting sympathy, along with a little bit of empathy, there were also really funny awkward moments in all of the episodes. This reminds me of Modern Family, but darker and more twisted. Not twisted like Dexter, but something a little bit different. I'm looking forward to the next 5 seasons!
On Thursday I went to Holy Cow, and noticed for the millionth time how this HH in particular brings out the worst in people. It's definitely a lot of fun and mostly a good time, but just way too easy for people to cross the point of no return when drinks are that cheap and the music is THAT awesome.
Friday night I hung out with co-workers - sushi, tequila and DJ Hero! Saturday night I stayed in. Overall, it's been a chill weekend. Tonight I'll stop by Gary's birthday and it'll be nice to see people. Although, the plan is to turn in early.. but not before catching up with Chad!
Cheers, to me, and doing what I want to do when I want to do it - independence weekend at its finest. Happy 4th, everyone!
I finished season 1 of Weeds, and it was great. I think I teared up almost every other episode which is remarkable because I've never felt so bad for a protagonist, ever. Aside from eliciting sympathy, along with a little bit of empathy, there were also really funny awkward moments in all of the episodes. This reminds me of Modern Family, but darker and more twisted. Not twisted like Dexter, but something a little bit different. I'm looking forward to the next 5 seasons!
On Thursday I went to Holy Cow, and noticed for the millionth time how this HH in particular brings out the worst in people. It's definitely a lot of fun and mostly a good time, but just way too easy for people to cross the point of no return when drinks are that cheap and the music is THAT awesome.
Friday night I hung out with co-workers - sushi, tequila and DJ Hero! Saturday night I stayed in. Overall, it's been a chill weekend. Tonight I'll stop by Gary's birthday and it'll be nice to see people. Although, the plan is to turn in early.. but not before catching up with Chad!
Cheers, to me, and doing what I want to do when I want to do it - independence weekend at its finest. Happy 4th, everyone!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Presents! And Mayhem.
Menie sent me a fancy hairdryer =) I used it today, and it was amazing. It has multiple settings, and isn't loud - love it! I might even start drying regularly.
Albert made me a lamp out of acrylics shaped like the SF skyline. Original and awesome, I don't think words do it justice. The inside of the lamp has my name and birthday etched over the frost. Definitely the most thoughtful gift I've ever gotten, and probably the only one that was ever made especially for ME.
Last night I went to Dennis's highlighter birthday party. It was kind of awkward in the beginning. Half of the people there were 2-4 years younger, and then some others I hadn't seen since 2002! By the end of the night I was having fun though, and my only gripe was that the drive back from San Mateo in the AM was ridiculous. Now I understand what Julian used to complain about.
This morning I went to Alex's graduation luncheon at Kome - his mama planned it, and a lot of his extended fam and fam friends were there. Gosh, it's hard to eat buffet when you're hungover. One of his uncles was telling some pretty outrageous jokes. I liked the food less this time, but the company was great and there were lots of chuckles here and there. Congrats again Alex <3 br="">
After lunch I went to Pride with Kevin, where we met Angela and Mel. We watched BSB perform and I've fallen in love all over again with their outrageous dance moves and million dollar smiles.
Tonight I'm watching Cyrus, and I'm really excited because John C. Reilly is HILARIOUS! I know it'll be good, it's got to be. There's no way to go wrong.3>
Albert made me a lamp out of acrylics shaped like the SF skyline. Original and awesome, I don't think words do it justice. The inside of the lamp has my name and birthday etched over the frost. Definitely the most thoughtful gift I've ever gotten, and probably the only one that was ever made especially for ME.
Last night I went to Dennis's highlighter birthday party. It was kind of awkward in the beginning. Half of the people there were 2-4 years younger, and then some others I hadn't seen since 2002! By the end of the night I was having fun though, and my only gripe was that the drive back from San Mateo in the AM was ridiculous. Now I understand what Julian used to complain about.
This morning I went to Alex's graduation luncheon at Kome - his mama planned it, and a lot of his extended fam and fam friends were there. Gosh, it's hard to eat buffet when you're hungover. One of his uncles was telling some pretty outrageous jokes. I liked the food less this time, but the company was great and there were lots of chuckles here and there. Congrats again Alex <3 br="">
After lunch I went to Pride with Kevin, where we met Angela and Mel. We watched BSB perform and I've fallen in love all over again with their outrageous dance moves and million dollar smiles.
Tonight I'm watching Cyrus, and I'm really excited because John C. Reilly is HILARIOUS! I know it'll be good, it's got to be. There's no way to go wrong.3>
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Kicking the 2-3
So this year, my birthday was starting to feel like Valentine's Day - you know, kind of dreaded and unnerving. I couldn't decide what I wanted to do, so I had my heart set on not celebrating, and I was just fine with that.
Saturday turned out to be hectic at work, and when I got home my mom made a snyde remark that really ticked me off. I bailed on hanging out with Alan, but I felt bad and ended up changing my mind. When he picked me up, his friend was also in the car so I was sure that we were hanging out with his friends.
But his friend was a decoy! And actually, Alan was a decoy too... for Menie's surprise birthday pub crawl thinger =) As it turns out, when we got to Tonic, I was in for a big... SURPRISE! My lovely friends were there, and Corinna had a fancy birthday princess crown, purple flower lei, and mardi gras beads ready. How freakin' awesome is that!

We went from Tonic, to two other bars briefly, and then to Shanghai Kelly's. More people trickled in as the night went on. I was REALLY surprised at all of the people who came out, it was SO VERY NICE to see faces that I haven't seen in months. At Shanghai Kelly's it was also the bartender's birthday, so we had a birthday shot together. From there, we went to Maze and continued the party. More people showed up and Cindy took me home early because I was DEFINITELY done for the night.

It was such a great time, I was delighted. This was better than my last surprise party in the Mission. I felt SO SPECIAL, and I'm so thankful to have such awesome friends.
Today, I went with Gary, Alex, Andy, and Kevin to Golden Gate Fields for some good ol' horse racin'! And well, the track was closed. But wait! We got lunch at a cafe in Oakland instead, and then dessert at Fenton's. Gorgeous day, and we definitely enjoyed the weather. Sunday sundae!

My mom made steak for dinner. For dessert, we had tasty pastries! Later at night, I went to Brian's to play Blokus and watch a movie. Super chill.
This truly was a great, and very happy birthday. Before the whole surprise thing, I resolved that instead of getting slizzered to celebrate myself, I'd make myself a promise - to jumpstart my life and get my career going this year. And well, it's about time. The idea is absolutely enthralling. Chapter open, chapter close.
Saturday turned out to be hectic at work, and when I got home my mom made a snyde remark that really ticked me off. I bailed on hanging out with Alan, but I felt bad and ended up changing my mind. When he picked me up, his friend was also in the car so I was sure that we were hanging out with his friends.
But his friend was a decoy! And actually, Alan was a decoy too... for Menie's surprise birthday pub crawl thinger =) As it turns out, when we got to Tonic, I was in for a big... SURPRISE! My lovely friends were there, and Corinna had a fancy birthday princess crown, purple flower lei, and mardi gras beads ready. How freakin' awesome is that!

We went from Tonic, to two other bars briefly, and then to Shanghai Kelly's. More people trickled in as the night went on. I was REALLY surprised at all of the people who came out, it was SO VERY NICE to see faces that I haven't seen in months. At Shanghai Kelly's it was also the bartender's birthday, so we had a birthday shot together. From there, we went to Maze and continued the party. More people showed up and Cindy took me home early because I was DEFINITELY done for the night.

It was such a great time, I was delighted. This was better than my last surprise party in the Mission. I felt SO SPECIAL, and I'm so thankful to have such awesome friends.
Today, I went with Gary, Alex, Andy, and Kevin to Golden Gate Fields for some good ol' horse racin'! And well, the track was closed. But wait! We got lunch at a cafe in Oakland instead, and then dessert at Fenton's. Gorgeous day, and we definitely enjoyed the weather. Sunday sundae!

My mom made steak for dinner. For dessert, we had tasty pastries! Later at night, I went to Brian's to play Blokus and watch a movie. Super chill.
This truly was a great, and very happy birthday. Before the whole surprise thing, I resolved that instead of getting slizzered to celebrate myself, I'd make myself a promise - to jumpstart my life and get my career going this year. And well, it's about time. The idea is absolutely enthralling. Chapter open, chapter close.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Day 4 of Teardrops
I decided to slow my roll, and take things one step at a time. Today I broke the chords down to one strum per measure (assuming that this is in 4/4) so I could work through my transitions and get used to the finger positions.
I also just finished the third and final book from the Larsson series. What an amazing and intricate storyline. I feel that EVERYTHING came full circle, even things I had forgotten about through the course of the three texts. It's unfortunate that there won't be any continuuation. I think I'll reread these again in two years or so. :)
I also just finished the third and final book from the Larsson series. What an amazing and intricate storyline. I feel that EVERYTHING came full circle, even things I had forgotten about through the course of the three texts. It's unfortunate that there won't be any continuuation. I think I'll reread these again in two years or so. :)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
New Hobby, New Toy
I got my new laptop!! Dell Studio XPS, and I love it - so snazzy. It came with an integrated webcam, so I decided to put it to good use and document progress with my new hobby. GUITAR!
My first song is Teardrops on My Guitar by Taylor Swift (what did you expect?). I invite my blogdience to witness my tribulations LOL. And while my interests tend to be short-lived, I think I'm really starting to enjoy this one. I don't plan to learn the names of the chords or anything, I'm probably just goin to slack and continue to learn off of Youtube. We'll see how this pans out..
Day 3 of Teardrops:
I promise to sing with more gusto if, or when, I get better. And I'll try to sound less confused, maybe even get the lyrics right? I'm sort of a clumsy person, so this whole coordination of thought process thing is a pretty huge feat for me.
My first song is Teardrops on My Guitar by Taylor Swift (what did you expect?). I invite my blogdience to witness my tribulations LOL. And while my interests tend to be short-lived, I think I'm really starting to enjoy this one. I don't plan to learn the names of the chords or anything, I'm probably just goin to slack and continue to learn off of Youtube. We'll see how this pans out..
Day 3 of Teardrops:
I promise to sing with more gusto if, or when, I get better. And I'll try to sound less confused, maybe even get the lyrics right? I'm sort of a clumsy person, so this whole coordination of thought process thing is a pretty huge feat for me.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Horse Racing & BBQ
So I had one hell of a Saturday at work this weekend! I really like open houses, I get especially excited to welcome people to our shop! The environment is always really upbeat and warming. It's like a challenge to impress and be ridiculously pleasant, and I love stepping up to the plate.
Today I went with Albert to Golden Gate Fields in the East Bay, and it was such a gorgeous day. We had lots of beer and hot dogs, and watched two of the races. In between races there was a live band doing covers of current popular hits, and they were pretty entertaining. I placed bets on the second race, and I had to ask the guy at the info window how (I've never done it before). Luckily, he was nice enough to explain everything to me!
But alas, my pick ended up in 4th place. And because I didn't understand how to use the betting machine properly, I made two bets on the same horse LOL. Anyway, it was FUN!

Afterward, we went to Albert's family barbecue in San Jose. Apparently he has a pretty significant extended family in the South Bay, and they're all really nice! I had a good time meeting them, eating, drinking, playing with a huge chowchow, getting my hair re-layered, and even getting a massage from his aunt. What an awesome barbie right? And to top it off, his sister was there, and we had lots of time to catch up.
Today I went with Albert to Golden Gate Fields in the East Bay, and it was such a gorgeous day. We had lots of beer and hot dogs, and watched two of the races. In between races there was a live band doing covers of current popular hits, and they were pretty entertaining. I placed bets on the second race, and I had to ask the guy at the info window how (I've never done it before). Luckily, he was nice enough to explain everything to me!
But alas, my pick ended up in 4th place. And because I didn't understand how to use the betting machine properly, I made two bets on the same horse LOL. Anyway, it was FUN!
Afterward, we went to Albert's family barbecue in San Jose. Apparently he has a pretty significant extended family in the South Bay, and they're all really nice! I had a good time meeting them, eating, drinking, playing with a huge chowchow, getting my hair re-layered, and even getting a massage from his aunt. What an awesome barbie right? And to top it off, his sister was there, and we had lots of time to catch up.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Today I put in some overtime for BMW to get paperwork done. It was a gorgeous day though, so I didn't mind the drive to Mountain View at all! When I got back to the city, Albert took me to Kome for sushi birthday buffet madness. All of the staff people there look like they're from Volcano High LOL. And when we were eating, one of the waiters walked into a wall and I couldn't control my laughter. I ended up like silently convulsing, I hope he didn't see me. It was SO funny.
Then I went home, and I felt like a fat turd from gorging on sushi so I laid around in bed. But a-hah! I did clean up my room and get rid of a bunch of stuff. And I did start looking around at what kind of careers are of interest and available! Good start =)
For dinner, Julian took me to House of Prime Rib. It was both of our first times there, isn't that kind of sad? Born and raised in San Francisco, and it took 24 years for us to finally eat at HOPR. But anyway, it was fantastic. And we ordered a bottle of Gerwutztriminer with our meal and that also was amazing. We ended up slightly drunk, and we headed to AMC1000 to watch Splice. It was such a dark and twisted movie that we both ended up feeling disturbed as we exited the theatre. But I've got to admit, it was a unique and fresh plot with unexpected twists - that's pretty impressive for a movie nowadays.

This truly was my best birthday ever. I SERIOUSLY do not know how it gets any better than this. :)
Then I went home, and I felt like a fat turd from gorging on sushi so I laid around in bed. But a-hah! I did clean up my room and get rid of a bunch of stuff. And I did start looking around at what kind of careers are of interest and available! Good start =)
For dinner, Julian took me to House of Prime Rib. It was both of our first times there, isn't that kind of sad? Born and raised in San Francisco, and it took 24 years for us to finally eat at HOPR. But anyway, it was fantastic. And we ordered a bottle of Gerwutztriminer with our meal and that also was amazing. We ended up slightly drunk, and we headed to AMC1000 to watch Splice. It was such a dark and twisted movie that we both ended up feeling disturbed as we exited the theatre. But I've got to admit, it was a unique and fresh plot with unexpected twists - that's pretty impressive for a movie nowadays.

This truly was my best birthday ever. I SERIOUSLY do not know how it gets any better than this. :)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Farewells, For Now.
Yesterday we had a barbie at Coyote Point for Menie, because she's moving away - I was just starting to get used to having her around again... and here she goes leaving all over. Well, we had lots of fun anyway. For the most part, everything went well.
The pineapple with brown sugar and cinnamon was sooo good. And I guess I never thought about it, but yesterday I learned that cinnamon is actually tree bark? Lots of good company, old friends and new, and delicious food. I got to use my activity mat and tanned while people played volleyball. I also made jello shots, and I'm pretty sure they were amazing - if nothing else, they were at the very least POTENT.
And then today I had brunch at Stacks with Julian. He is also leaving on Thursday to pursue his career. I'm so sad that he's moving away! We had a nice meal and then went to the driving range at Crystal Springs. It was a gorgeous day and there were animals out on the grass, so nice.
Afterward we hung out at his place for a bit, playing with the cats and chatting by the pool. I'm going to miss hanging out with him! This week will be sad, and I wish I could send other people away instead of them and keep my favorites around. But still, I'm excited for them both and wish them all of the best =)
Menie and I went for a late dinner with Ryan and Alan at Santa Ramen - I think this may be our last meal together for a while. And then we ran into some friends at Golden Island for dessert. Lots of funny moments throughout the night, those guys are hilarious. I'm sooo going to miss that crazy girl!
The pineapple with brown sugar and cinnamon was sooo good. And I guess I never thought about it, but yesterday I learned that cinnamon is actually tree bark? Lots of good company, old friends and new, and delicious food. I got to use my activity mat and tanned while people played volleyball. I also made jello shots, and I'm pretty sure they were amazing - if nothing else, they were at the very least POTENT.
And then today I had brunch at Stacks with Julian. He is also leaving on Thursday to pursue his career. I'm so sad that he's moving away! We had a nice meal and then went to the driving range at Crystal Springs. It was a gorgeous day and there were animals out on the grass, so nice.
Afterward we hung out at his place for a bit, playing with the cats and chatting by the pool. I'm going to miss hanging out with him! This week will be sad, and I wish I could send other people away instead of them and keep my favorites around. But still, I'm excited for them both and wish them all of the best =)
Menie and I went for a late dinner with Ryan and Alan at Santa Ramen - I think this may be our last meal together for a while. And then we ran into some friends at Golden Island for dessert. Lots of funny moments throughout the night, those guys are hilarious. I'm sooo going to miss that crazy girl!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Learning Experience
I've always most hated feeling: 1) inadequate or inefficient, and 2) betrayed. The past two days I've contemplated the latter, and I've come to terms with a falling out in my personal life much more quickly than I'd have anticipated. The verdict? I'm getting better at this whole learning experience thing.
The sad part - I have to learn and relearn to not trust people, time and time again. Whenever I get close to something I feel is solid, it turns to shit. I've been told that I probably expect too much from people. And this is true - I do expect a lot from the people around me. Isn't it hard not to? But again, this is a learning experience, and I will keep trying until I get it right.
Watching Sex and the City 2 with my two best girls tonight really cheered me up. My coworker brought me cake today at work, and Menie brought me a red velvet cupcake before the movie. YUM! I also had an ICEE at the movie, and I haven't had one of THOSE in years!! The movie was so emotional, and funny, and sweet. Watching those women makes me feel like I pick up two years of wisdom and maturity in a matter of hours. I'm so glad we went to the movie, and I'm glad that I've come this far in terms of coping.
Just keepin' it classy, one day at a time.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Memorial Day Weekend in.. VEGAS!!!
This past weekend, we did Vegas like I've never done before. First time traveling in a big group, first limo ride, first time playing at a table, AND first time clubbing in Vegas. So many exciting new things for me =) And a trip I can't possibly ever forget...
We flew in Saturday night and got picked up in a limo! After checking into Aria, we got ready to go and headed to XS. It was enormous, ridiculous, and my MOST FAVORITEST part was the jacuzzi! We should've gotten a table on the main floor, because it was so packed inside of the club that it made dancing a little less enjoyable. The club was crazy loud, and the outdoor area was really nice. Surprisingly, the bathroom line wasn't bad at all.
After clubbing until 3 something in the AM, we went to the Venetian for GRAND LUX!!! I love Grand Lux, their food is so good. EVERY single time I've gone to Vegas (three times) I've eaten there. I wasn't hungry enough for the Shrimp Scampi this time - but I will be back for it next trip! I got a burger melt, and it was all kinds of juicy, greasy, deliciousness. When it was time to get a cab, the line was super long. I was sooo tired and the sun was already nearing the horizon. We went back to the hotel and crashed. The bed was sooo comfy.
Sunday morning, we woke up and went straight to the pool. Picked up drinks and snacks at the poolside restaurant and just lounged with the girls for a few hours. So relaxing. We got ready for an early dinner and then headed to Bouchon for the fancy eats! The food was really good and the server said he liked my flower. SWEET! We sang happy birthday to Bo even though he tried to play it off, and then we rushed off to the show!
I love Cirque du Soleil. I just love acrobats and special effects and really TALENTED people. "O" was all that and more! Synchronized swimmers are ALWAYS great entertainment, and the mechanics of the stage were MIND BLOWING. The music was live and the characters were awesome, and the show theme was kind of dark and twisted (I love that stuff). I daresay it could have been better than "Ka", and I was REALLY impressed with Ka.
The show ended early and we headed back to the hotel to pregame. Once we were all jacked up on caffeine and booze, we went to the Palms for Playboy Club. I was really relieved that the elevator didn't make me sick, I was sort of anxious about that. The club was a spectacular view and when they switched to the second deejay we had LOTS of fun. I feel that I did an excellent job of moderating my drinking, and I had a great time without overdoing it. We left early around 2 and headed back to the hotel to regroup. And then we went to.. McDonald's! It was a much needed fast-food fix and I slept really well that night.
Monday we had lunch at a cafe downstairs, and I played Roulette! I didn't do badly at all, and I would have played more if the tables weren't so crowded. I skipped buffet and walked around by myself. It was perfect weather for some me-time. I actually really liked Aria, everything there is so nice and brand-spanking new. The best part of the hotel was probably the touch-screen console that controlled everything in the room. How badass is that? We headed to the airport in the evening, and one delayed flight later we were home sweet home. Of course, the screen at my seat was busted for half the flight. But I did get some Doom-time in.

Such great company!! And so many excellent first-time experiences - I just really can't wait to do it all over again <3
We flew in Saturday night and got picked up in a limo! After checking into Aria, we got ready to go and headed to XS. It was enormous, ridiculous, and my MOST FAVORITEST part was the jacuzzi! We should've gotten a table on the main floor, because it was so packed inside of the club that it made dancing a little less enjoyable. The club was crazy loud, and the outdoor area was really nice. Surprisingly, the bathroom line wasn't bad at all.
After clubbing until 3 something in the AM, we went to the Venetian for GRAND LUX!!! I love Grand Lux, their food is so good. EVERY single time I've gone to Vegas (three times) I've eaten there. I wasn't hungry enough for the Shrimp Scampi this time - but I will be back for it next trip! I got a burger melt, and it was all kinds of juicy, greasy, deliciousness. When it was time to get a cab, the line was super long. I was sooo tired and the sun was already nearing the horizon. We went back to the hotel and crashed. The bed was sooo comfy.
Sunday morning, we woke up and went straight to the pool. Picked up drinks and snacks at the poolside restaurant and just lounged with the girls for a few hours. So relaxing. We got ready for an early dinner and then headed to Bouchon for the fancy eats! The food was really good and the server said he liked my flower. SWEET! We sang happy birthday to Bo even though he tried to play it off, and then we rushed off to the show!
I love Cirque du Soleil. I just love acrobats and special effects and really TALENTED people. "O" was all that and more! Synchronized swimmers are ALWAYS great entertainment, and the mechanics of the stage were MIND BLOWING. The music was live and the characters were awesome, and the show theme was kind of dark and twisted (I love that stuff). I daresay it could have been better than "Ka", and I was REALLY impressed with Ka.
The show ended early and we headed back to the hotel to pregame. Once we were all jacked up on caffeine and booze, we went to the Palms for Playboy Club. I was really relieved that the elevator didn't make me sick, I was sort of anxious about that. The club was a spectacular view and when they switched to the second deejay we had LOTS of fun. I feel that I did an excellent job of moderating my drinking, and I had a great time without overdoing it. We left early around 2 and headed back to the hotel to regroup. And then we went to.. McDonald's! It was a much needed fast-food fix and I slept really well that night.
Monday we had lunch at a cafe downstairs, and I played Roulette! I didn't do badly at all, and I would have played more if the tables weren't so crowded. I skipped buffet and walked around by myself. It was perfect weather for some me-time. I actually really liked Aria, everything there is so nice and brand-spanking new. The best part of the hotel was probably the touch-screen console that controlled everything in the room. How badass is that? We headed to the airport in the evening, and one delayed flight later we were home sweet home. Of course, the screen at my seat was busted for half the flight. But I did get some Doom-time in.
Such great company!! And so many excellent first-time experiences - I just really can't wait to do it all over again <3
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The Little Things
I'm in a great mood! Why? New stuff!! Nothing big - the little things make me most happy. Like I found a SUPER cushioned pair of heels today. They will be PERFECT for hours of romping and mayhem in Vegas this weekend! =)
I also picked up the third and final book to the Larsson series I've been reading. I can't wait to start the book, but I know I shouldn't open it up now or else I'll never sleep tonight. Must, have, self, control.
Lastly, and most importantly, I ordered an activity mat today at work! It's so cool, and I can't wait to use it for picnics, and tanning at the beach among other things! JUST IN TIME FOR SUMMER, AND *SOOOO MANY ACTIVITIES*!!! Reminds me of my favorite movie scene of all time:
"It's making my head spin how many activities we can do"
I also picked up the third and final book to the Larsson series I've been reading. I can't wait to start the book, but I know I shouldn't open it up now or else I'll never sleep tonight. Must, have, self, control.
Lastly, and most importantly, I ordered an activity mat today at work! It's so cool, and I can't wait to use it for picnics, and tanning at the beach among other things! JUST IN TIME FOR SUMMER, AND *SOOOO MANY ACTIVITIES*!!! Reminds me of my favorite movie scene of all time:
"It's making my head spin how many activities we can do"
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Marksmanship & Another Awesome Monday
Today I went to Regis and got my hair did. Jenny re-layered my hair a lot shorter than I'm used to, but it worked out well because my hair feels SO MUCH lighter. Sweeet!
Then I met Calvin and Albert up for lunch at Lam's. I haven't been out with those guys in forever, and there's something about beef panfried noodles that I can't ever get enough of! We went to Jackson after for some good ol' fashioned shooting and we all did pretty well - three bullseyes for me, one for Albert, and a whole bunch for Calvin. Oh boy, do I LOOOVE shooting! I used a Beretta PX4 Storm, and I really liked the way it felt in my hand. I'm sure I will own one someday.

When I got back to the city, I had dinner with Julian at Thai Stick. I'm not a fan of hot pot, at all, but that Thai dipping sauce they have is simply irresistible. We chatted for a long time over dinner about Julian's exciting future. He's moving soon and his life is basically going into warp speed. I too need to jump-start my life!
We went to Bi-Rite for dessert, and their malt vanilla peanut brittle ice cream is TO DIE FOR. The line was pretty ridiculous for 9:30 on a Monday night, but I can totally understand why.
When I got home, I watched half of Book of Eli with Dom and Bryant. I think we're going to finish tomorrow, the movie isn't that great so far. I guess we'll see how it ends. Today was an exciting day, and a nice return to society after being cooped up at home for the past week. Hello world, I'm ready for you.
Then I met Calvin and Albert up for lunch at Lam's. I haven't been out with those guys in forever, and there's something about beef panfried noodles that I can't ever get enough of! We went to Jackson after for some good ol' fashioned shooting and we all did pretty well - three bullseyes for me, one for Albert, and a whole bunch for Calvin. Oh boy, do I LOOOVE shooting! I used a Beretta PX4 Storm, and I really liked the way it felt in my hand. I'm sure I will own one someday.
When I got back to the city, I had dinner with Julian at Thai Stick. I'm not a fan of hot pot, at all, but that Thai dipping sauce they have is simply irresistible. We chatted for a long time over dinner about Julian's exciting future. He's moving soon and his life is basically going into warp speed. I too need to jump-start my life!
We went to Bi-Rite for dessert, and their malt vanilla peanut brittle ice cream is TO DIE FOR. The line was pretty ridiculous for 9:30 on a Monday night, but I can totally understand why.
When I got home, I watched half of Book of Eli with Dom and Bryant. I think we're going to finish tomorrow, the movie isn't that great so far. I guess we'll see how it ends. Today was an exciting day, and a nice return to society after being cooped up at home for the past week. Hello world, I'm ready for you.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The Sweeping of the Sharks
So the Sharks got swept in the last round of the western conference... but a truly valiant effort was undeniably put forth. The last two games were pretty close and the Sharks were playing hard. Also, now I understand why people hate Nabokov - there were moments when I felt like he dropped the ball.
I enjoyed the season nonetheless. I have Alex to thank for introducing me to hockey, and even with a late start in the season I've managed to go to six games - three of which were playoff games against the Avs, Wings, and Blackhawks. I think I've done pretty well as a fan for my first season of hockey! And even though he lost some steam, I still love Heatley.
I hate that people are so quick to talk shit about the Sharks, as if they themselves could do better. I think the Sharks made it pretty far and just because they didn't make it all the way, doesn't mean that they "suck". And when a friend who hasn't seen a Sharks game EVER watches today's game and messages me immediately that the Sharks "suck" - that they played it all wrong, I think that's total bullshit. F* that, who is he to say?
I can't stand negativity.
I enjoyed the season nonetheless. I have Alex to thank for introducing me to hockey, and even with a late start in the season I've managed to go to six games - three of which were playoff games against the Avs, Wings, and Blackhawks. I think I've done pretty well as a fan for my first season of hockey! And even though he lost some steam, I still love Heatley.
I hate that people are so quick to talk shit about the Sharks, as if they themselves could do better. I think the Sharks made it pretty far and just because they didn't make it all the way, doesn't mean that they "suck". And when a friend who hasn't seen a Sharks game EVER watches today's game and messages me immediately that the Sharks "suck" - that they played it all wrong, I think that's total bullshit. F* that, who is he to say?
I can't stand negativity.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Shattered Memories
I went to Prom on Friday night with Julian, and it made me reflect on how much has changed since our real senior prom in 2004. Both of us have grown over time in many ways - but I'm really happy that as much as we've been through, we can still be close and have a ball. At Prom, we took a big group picture, just like in high school! I saw lots of friends, old and new, and everyone was looking all snazzy. I don't hang out with anyone that I was close to in high school (except J), but I'm grateful for the friends I have now =) Like Alex, Corinna, Nick and Jon, and Joe - they were all there and I'd consider them among the closest people in my life. Was truly an awesome night, and I will definitely be at Prom next year.
I stayed home sick today from work, and I'm almost glad I wasn't feeling well because at least I was there for my mom. In the afternoon, my dad stopped by to talk to my mom, and an hour later we had a family meeting. We were sitting in the living room and it was a final goodbye sort of deal. He announced that he wasn't moving back in (officially) and that he would be taking the rest of his belongings. My mom took the keys back and she sat glaring at him with hatred and defeat in her eyes. While my brother and I both knew this was coming, I don't think we considered that he would one day be completely gone. I spent the rest of the day and night with my mom, helping her clean the house and watching movies with her. I worry.
Growing up, I always felt like I had the perfect nuclear family. Although our parents did fight from time to time, my brother and I were never involved and overall we made up a loving and functional family. As I grew up, I got into trouble and my dad had always sided with me even when I was wrong - while my mom didn't. I felt a much stronger bond with my dad up until two years ago when things went awry. Now, seeing my mom go through the devastation of divorce is upsetting and she has my utmost sympathy. We've grown closer recently and I try to be there for her as much as I can.
But today, when my dad was giving us the farewell speech, I could see that he was hurting too. While fighting back tears, he packed up one of his bags with shaky hands and departed in an awkward silence - that's something I will never be prepared for. It's so painful to see your parents in weak moments, because you always look to them for comfort, support, and stability. Even as I am approaching my 24th birthday, I still find it hard to stomach that my parents are not perfect, and they hurt too. I hope that everyone will be okay. I can't describe the way that I feel, other than that there's a gaping emptiness inside of me. And while I've always believed that things happen for a reason, I hope to God that I will never experience a divorce of my own.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The B's: Baseball & Bo
Today I went to my first Giants game! Against SD, we lost by 1.
Baseball is ... different. Not fast-paced, at all. In fact it's rather slow and uneventful most times. Totally different from hockey. Perhaps it isn't my cup of tea? I was also feeling pretty shitty after work, so maybe that dampened my mood. I learned a lot though, about the game and the rules and such! And well, I'm glad I FINALLY experienced a Giants game! "*GASP* You've NEVER been to a Giants game?" - never have to hear that again.
And I want to take a moment and wish BO a very happy birthday! Without him I might never have known how great lower level Sharks seats are, or gone to my first GIANTS game! I might not even have ever discovered golf? Or live streaming for sports? Bo is so super cool, and he's also my tax agent (indicative of trust). He's cooler than Priscilla, and he's such an awesome friend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BO! SHOUTOUTSHOUTOUTSHOUTOUT~~~
Baseball is ... different. Not fast-paced, at all. In fact it's rather slow and uneventful most times. Totally different from hockey. Perhaps it isn't my cup of tea? I was also feeling pretty shitty after work, so maybe that dampened my mood. I learned a lot though, about the game and the rules and such! And well, I'm glad I FINALLY experienced a Giants game! "*GASP* You've NEVER been to a Giants game?" - never have to hear that again.
And I want to take a moment and wish BO a very happy birthday! Without him I might never have known how great lower level Sharks seats are, or gone to my first GIANTS game! I might not even have ever discovered golf? Or live streaming for sports? Bo is so super cool, and he's also my tax agent (indicative of trust). He's cooler than Priscilla, and he's such an awesome friend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BO! SHOUTOUTSHOUTOUTSHOUTOUT~~~
Friday, May 7, 2010
Just One of Them Weeks
After an amazing weekend, this week has been hell. One of my managers AND my co-worker are both off this week, and I've been swamped. It JUST so happens that we're really busy when we're shorthanded. AND to top it all off, tomorrow will definitely be a shitshow with the scavenger ride coming through the shop adding to normal Saturday chaos. Dealing with one asshole after another, and trying to keep up with everything - I'm so exhausted.
The Sharks lost Thursday (therefore missing their history-making opportunity to SWEEP), the stock market is doing ridiculous things, and I'm so stressed out I didn't even go to HH. I also picked up some pants after work one day at Nordstrom, because I'm not fitting my jeans anymore. The only thing I'm looking forward to is the Sharks game tomorrow evening, and if they don't win this one I don't even know what I'll do.
I'm grumpy, fat, overworked, and underpaid. F. Chocolate makes things better, but ultimately makes things worse. If I wasn't so tired, I'd work out... endless cycle of shittiness.
The Sharks lost Thursday (therefore missing their history-making opportunity to SWEEP), the stock market is doing ridiculous things, and I'm so stressed out I didn't even go to HH. I also picked up some pants after work one day at Nordstrom, because I'm not fitting my jeans anymore. The only thing I'm looking forward to is the Sharks game tomorrow evening, and if they don't win this one I don't even know what I'll do.
I'm grumpy, fat, overworked, and underpaid. F. Chocolate makes things better, but ultimately makes things worse. If I wasn't so tired, I'd work out... endless cycle of shittiness.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Princess Diaries
Thursday was the Sharks semi-finals against the Red Wings. We totally won! After the game I played Trivial Pursuit on 360 with my mom... and I was winning BY FAR for the first hour and a half but she beat me in ten minutes. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN??
On Friday night I went to the gym with J. YES, I made it back to the gym finally! I had a decent workout, and I tried the collapsing-stair Stairmaster. Goodness, that thing is dangerous. Afterward we ate Kabuto and then I called it a night!
Saturday was chaos at work. But B brought Little Lucca's and ate lunch with me! Later I took a nap before heading out with Alex and Kevin. We met Bui and Brian and ate at Tommy's Joynt. Mmm corned beef... my fave! We dropped by Mayes a bit then turned in for the night. Such a TAME weekend. Alex and Kevin kept opening the car door for me and calling me princess and madame.. I'm not sure why the special treatment but WOOOOt!
Today I went to the Sharks game with Alan, and finally got to take my picture with the mini Shark blimp! We won, so now we're 2-0 with Detroit, and have a decent chance! After the game we walked around downtown, then got Pinkberry at Santana Row. The pomegranate frozen yogurt was to DIE for. We hung out at Borders and then visited with Bo before heading back to the city.
Alan opens doors for me too. Best believe - chivalry is not dead.
On Friday night I went to the gym with J. YES, I made it back to the gym finally! I had a decent workout, and I tried the collapsing-stair Stairmaster. Goodness, that thing is dangerous. Afterward we ate Kabuto and then I called it a night!
Saturday was chaos at work. But B brought Little Lucca's and ate lunch with me! Later I took a nap before heading out with Alex and Kevin. We met Bui and Brian and ate at Tommy's Joynt. Mmm corned beef... my fave! We dropped by Mayes a bit then turned in for the night. Such a TAME weekend. Alex and Kevin kept opening the car door for me and calling me princess and madame.. I'm not sure why the special treatment but WOOOOt!
Today I went to the Sharks game with Alan, and finally got to take my picture with the mini Shark blimp! We won, so now we're 2-0 with Detroit, and have a decent chance! After the game we walked around downtown, then got Pinkberry at Santana Row. The pomegranate frozen yogurt was to DIE for. We hung out at Borders and then visited with Bo before heading back to the city.
Alan opens doors for me too. Best believe - chivalry is not dead.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Having A Go
Saturday night, Sharks beat the Avs AGAIN and won the first series!! WOOT! Watching the Sharks chuck freebies into open net was GREAT. Super excited for the second round, and will be getting a Heatley jersey sometime this week!
After the game, Kevin picked me up and we went to join Jon's birthday festivities. Pub crawl on Polk, and I saw a bunch of childhood friends from S.A.C.K. (summer camp)!!! I haven't seen them for like 10 years! It was awesome dancing with them a bit, then I went back to the guys. Overall it was a pretty good night!

Today I woke up to watch the WSBK Assen race. GREAT series of passes. Troy Corser had a nice start and ended up finishing 5th - not bad at all. It was really exciting watching the racers in front "have a go" at each other on every turn, passing and passing back. And I thought that Sharks commentators were bad, but FIM commentators are assholes too LOL.
After the game, Kevin picked me up and we went to join Jon's birthday festivities. Pub crawl on Polk, and I saw a bunch of childhood friends from S.A.C.K. (summer camp)!!! I haven't seen them for like 10 years! It was awesome dancing with them a bit, then I went back to the guys. Overall it was a pretty good night!
Today I woke up to watch the WSBK Assen race. GREAT series of passes. Troy Corser had a nice start and ended up finishing 5th - not bad at all. It was really exciting watching the racers in front "have a go" at each other on every turn, passing and passing back. And I thought that Sharks commentators were bad, but FIM commentators are assholes too LOL.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Oh Happy Day: Sharks WIN Round 1 Game 5
Yesterday was one of the most exciting, happy days that I've had in the past two or three years. It started at work when I finished the Larsson book, and it was truly an engaging and worthwhile read. It was like 3 genres in 1: murder mystery, erotic, and drama romance. I'm definitely reading the other two in the series!
After work the awesomeness continued when Andy, Alex, and I were heading down to San Jose listening to Andy's old CD's from 2001-2005. Wow, like a time warp. It was a lot of fun to hear old jams and try and guess who sang what etc. - apparently I can't tell any of the freestyle songs apart LOL.
And then the game! OH THE GAME! It was so exciting, from beginning to end! Almost everyone there was in Sharks gear, and the arena was packed. We scored 5 times and the Avs scored nada. I've been following this series pretty religiously so the win was VERY exciting for me! Now we're leading the series and I think we can win it!!! For those few hours I was in pure bliss. Watching my boyfriend Dany Heatley in action, WOOT!!!
Andy was wearing his jersey, and during the last break he bought Alex a jersey as a belated gift. Damnit!!! I'm jealous!!! I'm going to have to buy one too!! After the game was ridiculous, all of the Sharks fans flooding the streets screaming, cheering, and honking their horns. The energy was out of this world, and I was just so HAPPY!!! I'm super excited for the Sharks!!
We picked up Hiep, and he entertained us all the way back to SF. Never a dull moment with that guy. He groped Alex's leg in the car and I giggled LOL. Well, I thought I was cackling but Alex said I giggled. We stopped by "Holy Moly" as they call it, and then we went to Butter for more drinks. OMG chili-cheese tater tots!!! YUMS!!! And because it was Alex's birthday we got free otter pops! Alex's cake was a deep fried twinkie and OMG it was delicious. That place is fantastic, and the staff is super chill.
All in all, I had a SUPERB day. GO SHARKS!
After work the awesomeness continued when Andy, Alex, and I were heading down to San Jose listening to Andy's old CD's from 2001-2005. Wow, like a time warp. It was a lot of fun to hear old jams and try and guess who sang what etc. - apparently I can't tell any of the freestyle songs apart LOL.
And then the game! OH THE GAME! It was so exciting, from beginning to end! Almost everyone there was in Sharks gear, and the arena was packed. We scored 5 times and the Avs scored nada. I've been following this series pretty religiously so the win was VERY exciting for me! Now we're leading the series and I think we can win it!!! For those few hours I was in pure bliss. Watching my boyfriend Dany Heatley in action, WOOT!!!
Andy was wearing his jersey, and during the last break he bought Alex a jersey as a belated gift. Damnit!!! I'm jealous!!! I'm going to have to buy one too!! After the game was ridiculous, all of the Sharks fans flooding the streets screaming, cheering, and honking their horns. The energy was out of this world, and I was just so HAPPY!!! I'm super excited for the Sharks!!
We picked up Hiep, and he entertained us all the way back to SF. Never a dull moment with that guy. He groped Alex's leg in the car and I giggled LOL. Well, I thought I was cackling but Alex said I giggled. We stopped by "Holy Moly" as they call it, and then we went to Butter for more drinks. OMG chili-cheese tater tots!!! YUMS!!! And because it was Alex's birthday we got free otter pops! Alex's cake was a deep fried twinkie and OMG it was delicious. That place is fantastic, and the staff is super chill.
All in all, I had a SUPERB day. GO SHARKS!
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