So for the past month I've been busy with the new job. The work is sometimes frustrating but I do still enjoy it overall, and my coworkers are great. Earlier tonight we had a team bbq at my boss's place and there was good company and great food. Yum! Other than that, I'm almost done with Season 3 of Arrested Development, and I'd say it's in the running for my Next Top TV Series. =) Planning to watching the seasons all over again!
I've been procrastinating on going to the gym consistently, and I haven't gone at all. I've been doing plenty of eating though! Happy hours and greedy lunches, sigh. We remodeled our kitchen so for a little over a week I was eating out all of the time. THAT can't be good. But hey, the kitchen is looking sweeet!
Last weekend was Eric's birthday at Tomales Bay and the drive there was... GORGEOUS! I ended up going by myself, but I really didn't mind because it was a sunny day and apparently I took the scenic route twice (I didn't realize there was a shorter alternative). Definitely therapeutic, and I got my fill of oysters. =)

So this is our summer! The evenings in the city are even warm sometimes! FINALLY! I went to China beach last week after work to watch the sunset, it was such a nice treat. This week I went to Ocean beach to watch the sunset. I really do love SF, because there's always a beach nearby when you need one.
Nancy came back for her birthday last week, and we went out for drinks. I seriously haven't seen her since high school, that's seven years! She moved away and stayed away, but we're going to Vegas in October. WooT!! THAT is going to be a wild time.
In other news, Rupert got broken into and the culprit butchered my door. So while he's in the shop getting all fixed up I have a rental until next week. It really sucks that I'm paying a pretty hefty deductible to do work for something that was completely out of my control. And, THEY DIDN'T STEAL ANYTHING!! Well, there was nothing to steal. But I feel like I'm paying for nothing, and no one got anything (except the insurance, and the shop).
But.. on the BRIGHT side, the rental is a CHARGER!! I don't even think I can explain how excited I was when they walked me over to the only Charger hidden in the corner of the lot. The whole time I was doing the paperwork at Enterprise, I was thinking I was going to get a sucky Kia. But nope, they gave me something "comparable" to what I normally drive. And I say this is CERTAINLY more than comparable, it's delightful!
I love it. I love it love it love it. And even though I know it's probably one of the most unreliable, impractical options on the market, I'm still considering getting one. Or something like it! It's HUGE, and so powerful. And man, it just looks ridiculously badass. I love muscle cars. And with that, I'll leave you with this:
RIBS! I hope next year isn't as hot...