Saturday turned out to be hectic at work, and when I got home my mom made a snyde remark that really ticked me off. I bailed on hanging out with Alan, but I felt bad and ended up changing my mind. When he picked me up, his friend was also in the car so I was sure that we were hanging out with his friends.
But his friend was a decoy! And actually, Alan was a decoy too... for Menie's surprise birthday pub crawl thinger =) As it turns out, when we got to Tonic, I was in for a big... SURPRISE! My lovely friends were there, and Corinna had a fancy birthday princess crown, purple flower lei, and mardi gras beads ready. How freakin' awesome is that!

We went from Tonic, to two other bars briefly, and then to Shanghai Kelly's. More people trickled in as the night went on. I was REALLY surprised at all of the people who came out, it was SO VERY NICE to see faces that I haven't seen in months. At Shanghai Kelly's it was also the bartender's birthday, so we had a birthday shot together. From there, we went to Maze and continued the party. More people showed up and Cindy took me home early because I was DEFINITELY done for the night.

It was such a great time, I was delighted. This was better than my last surprise party in the Mission. I felt SO SPECIAL, and I'm so thankful to have such awesome friends.
Today, I went with Gary, Alex, Andy, and Kevin to Golden Gate Fields for some good ol' horse racin'! And well, the track was closed. But wait! We got lunch at a cafe in Oakland instead, and then dessert at Fenton's. Gorgeous day, and we definitely enjoyed the weather. Sunday sundae!

My mom made steak for dinner. For dessert, we had tasty pastries! Later at night, I went to Brian's to play Blokus and watch a movie. Super chill.
This truly was a great, and very happy birthday. Before the whole surprise thing, I resolved that instead of getting slizzered to celebrate myself, I'd make myself a promise - to jumpstart my life and get my career going this year. And well, it's about time. The idea is absolutely enthralling. Chapter open, chapter close.
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