Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Grand Opening, Grand Closing

I interviewed for a tech writing position on Monday, and was surprised at how relaxed I was. I think I've finally fully grown into my personality. Someone once told me that you don't really know who you are until after college, when you're 20 something. Now I understand. But anyway, if I was nervous at all it was only because I've never interviewed for something and not gotten the job. My winning streak was on the line!

Tuesday morning I got word, in the form of a job offer. I accepted earlier today, and informed BMW. On one hand, I was really excited! And I knew they would be happy for me! On the other hand, I'm really sad to go. So many fond memories and great relationships have stemmed from BMW, and I really and truly enjoyed my time there. An experience I will never forget.

But here I am, embarking on a new journey. Growing up and jumpstarting a career. I've started building my "work wardrobe" and will continue to do so for the next weeks. No more jeans and t-shirts! But hey, August will be an amazing month. New job, Seattle trip! SO MANY ACTIVITIES!!


  1. Holy crap, congratulations!! very happy for you.

  2. They'd be a pack of fools if they didn't snap you up!
    We'll miss you terribly, even as we wish you all the best in your new adventure.
