The flight there was long and grueling, but at least on the way there we got to take a Boeing 747 and had access to free entertainment. We also had the most awesome flightstaff members who were giving us a buy1get1 deal. Awesome.
When we got there, we met up with people at our condo in downtown Miami. It was actually above the Doubletree hotel, so it was really nice and definitely a prime location. More than half of the group went to see Alesso at LIV that night, but I wasn't really feeling like it. I ended up going to Blue Martini with Sean, Sarah, and Matt and we had a blast! There was a cover band doing Mexicanish dance music and EDM hits. Tons of fun to dance to, and I don't regret missing the club at all. When everyone got back to the condo, we stayed up late and talked. It was maybe one of my favorite nights.
Friday we went to South Beach for lunch and enjoyed sidewalk seating in a small and cute alley-looking street. The food was so-so, but the restaurant that we wanted to eat at was closed to we just chose a random one that we walked by.

Everyone was super excited for UMF, but we didn't get there until later than expected. I think we only saw a few DJ sets, but everyone saw what they came for - Swedish House Mafia. And it was amazing, spectacular, everything we had dreamed of. The first night of UMF I was trying to compare it to EDC and I think that really took away from the experience. I think the EDC LA stages were better and more organized. I wasn't really happy about the black dust that we were breathing at UMF that first night. After the rave, it took a long time to get out of the venue because we stayed until the end. By the time we got back to the condo and had gotten ready, it was too late to go to Hyde Beach. We stayed in and drank while listening to music and talking, it was still good times.

Saturday we went to the Shelbourne pool party. The event staff... oh my goodness they were all idiots. They didn't know how to look up names on the will-call list and it took forever to get in..for no reason. Once we finally got in the pool was smaller than expected. I guess it doesn't live up to Las Vegas pool party expectations. The deejays were amazing though, so that made everything worthwhile. There were tons of nasty beach balls getting kicked around. Actually they were fun when they first came out, but quickly became sticky and dirty. Carnage was my fave DJ from the pool party. After his set we stopped by the beach and then headed back to the condo to get ready. UMF the second night was also short, which I didn't mind at all! We got to see Kaskade and then Infected Mushroom which were my 2nd and 3rd top priorities of the lineup. So I was happy! The Live stage reminded me of Shoreline Amphitheatre back home where I first fell in love with Kaskade at ID. After the rave, a bunch of the group went to see Diplo at Grand Central. Andy, Victor, Andrey, and I had sold our tickets so we hung out with Kim and Shnell. I fell asleep pretty early that night, I was beat.

Sunday a bunch of the group went to hang out on the beach. Victor, Charles, and I went to get delicioso Peruvian food! I wish I wasn't so hungover that day, so I could have eaten more of the food. I think we were delirious at this point, I couldn't stop laughing at Charles about something he said when I pointed out an HIV Testing banner. Andy met us up at the condo so we could head to UMF first, we wanted to get in early because it was the last day. We made it for Krewella and the end of Flosstradamus (awesome), and then Major Lazer (even more awesome), and finally SNOOP DOGG (THE MOST AWESOME)!!! Man I almost lost my voice rapping along with Snoop. I was so happy because when I went to Rock the Bells last year I was sorely disappointed when I found out Snoop couldn't perform in SF. But YES! YES YES YES! Ugh, so good. ANd I got a turkey leg for dinner that night, which was also really good. Mmmm turkey leg!

After the rave, we went back to the condo to get ready for Zedd at Mansion. Zedd was good, Skrillex came out, but the best part was Funk Agenda. OMG he was better than both of them! Super bassy high energy beats, loved it. Kept me dancing until 5 AM. Sober. That's insanity. And by the time we left and were struggling to get a cab, I was seriously beat. Monday we woke up, packed, and flew back home. I wish I had stayed the extra days like the others because it would have been nice to relax before leaving. Soak up some more of that Miami sun. But in retrospect, I'm glad I didn't because I had so much work to do!

Anyway, truly an amazing trip. I'd do it all over again if I could.
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