She's such a phenomenal performer that pictures and words don't do her justice. I will definitely see her again in concert - she's a really lively entertainer and she's always moving, dancing, making jokes and saying cute things. It was surprising how many adults were in the audience though. The deafening high-pitched screams, however, were not surprising. The crowd was absolutely wild with excitement, and at one point there was 5-7 minutes of unbroken screaming and applause. She just stood there, taking it all in, the stars in her eyes. You could tell that she really loves the fans. And well, you can't not love her.
Fantastic show! And of course, the pictures, in reverse:
The grand finale, and last song, featured a thin waterfall which SPELLED OUT WORDS!! And drenched Taylor as she ended the show with a triumphant kneel, using her hands to shape a heart.
Bizarre drum solo, Taylor is on the right.
She knows what us 14 year old girls like. HEART-SHAPED CONFETTIS FOR EVERYONE!!!
She wore a Sharks jersey - my kind of girl.
Her "white dress", I was loving the hair.
LOVE STORY!!! My all-time fave of her songs!
They had old-time dancers do the intro for Love Story.
She came to the BACK of the arena for a few songs, smaller rotating stage.
She also walked around in the audience, free hugs!
Kelly Pickler opened for TS, with a broken ankle LOL
Alex & I
Taylor Swift & I =)
Such a great show. I was thoroughly impressed. Team Taylor!
I saw the albums on fb, and damn it does look like a hell of a show. glad you guys had a blast. too bad alex didn't get a hug haha