I felt a bit awkward because when I was told we were going to Wallingford, I assumed that it was bar hopping and I didn't dress up. I was just wearing jeans, boots, and a sweater. When I got to Victor's house and he got dressed, he was in formal attire with tie and all! There wasn't any time for me to go home and change, and so I started the night feeling underdressed and awkward. Once I got over that though, things got better.
The house in Wallingford was pretty awesome, the front was all glass where the kitchen and dining area were, and then toward the back was a huge entertainment room. There was also an impressive balcony along the side of the house that looked out onto the lake. Very nice! The party was interesting, everyone was super friendly and I met new people - I even met a guy from Canada who follows the Maple Leafs, AND the Sharks. So cool. At midnight there was lots of champagne bottle popping and I was very cold and wet. Everyone moved inside and enjoyed the night a bit longer. It truly was excellent company and a lovely new year celebration.
Today I decided to start the New Year off right. I went to the gym to pick up my new membership card, had a healthy salad for dinner, read a nice chunk of Love in the Time of Cholera, and played Dance Central 2! That's a pretty solid day, considering that my resolutions consist of the following:
1) Excercise -- regularly, seriously, and to feel good all of the time
2) Eat less and cook more -- moderation and consideration to the max
3) Education via reading -- old faves, new novels, or newspapers even
4) Eccentuate my features -- make an effort with makeup, hair, and skincare
5) Enjoy -- simple things, like eating/reading alone in public places
I think through these four E's I can continue to live a healthy, happy, and full life. And yes, I know that my resolutions are essentially the same every year (aside from a few variations), but I do see improvement with each year that has past. I hope that 2012 will be as generous and exciting as 2011, and of course the main goal again will be to become the best person possible.
And I'm actually VERY excited about Dance Central 2, it's definitely my favorite Christmas gift from this year. All of my favorite clubbing songs are on it! If nothing else, this week will be very amusing.
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