Last weekend I went back to San Francisco to visit. I attended My and Ya's beauuuuutiful wedding! This was my first wedding ceremony in my adult life, and I'm sure there'll be a few more to come. We had a backdrop of the Golden Gate Bridge over water from a cozy hilltop church. We also had 80* Tiburon afternoon sunshine, I'm pretty sure I gained a shade after sitting through that. The vows were so touching, I was laughing and crying and my body was so confused. Calvin officiated, and it made the ceremony even more entertaining! I loved being there, and I could see how happy they were. Ah, WEDDINGS! The dinner was fun too, and the photo booth was pretty awesome. The speeches from the bridal party were lacking but the dj was good! And with lots of alcohol and a Chinese banquet you know I'm happy!!
On Sunday, I watched football with David, Alex, and Gary - they're all in my league. And I kicked David's butt after he tried to trick me into benching Gore! Good thing I'm not THAT gullible. It was a nice relaxing day and I actually felt like I lived in San Francisco again. Normally I feel rushed, and I feel like a visitor, but Sunday was a taste of what I formerly knew as home. I also got to see Tupac and friends, and then Bear later. I LOVE DOGS!! And and and Gary's roommate made us Rolo/Ritz sandwiches!
Monday I had lunch with my mom and my brother, we went to the Pancake House on Taravel and the food was sooo greasy. But we had a good time chatting, and that actually was the first time I'd been in Sunset in over a year.. maybe even two years? For dinner Monday night we went to Shabu for Chad and his mom's birthdays! That was fun, and I ended up sitting near Erwin who I haven't seen since middle school probably? We laughed a lot and I got to spend time with Andy. After dinner, we went to Andy and Alex's apartment to watch Mean Girls. YES!
Before leaving on Tuesday, I got to visit BMW and see my old coworkers! It was SO NICE to finally drop in and catch up because it's almost all the same staff. And I really miss working there! Well, I don't miss the pay or the customers, but I have so many fond memories of those coworkers. David picked me up to get lunch at Prime Dip and we brought it to Alex's to eat with him. Lobster dip! So good.
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It makes me wonder where my home will be in a few years. It could be here, it could be in San Francisco, or who knows what could happen? It could truly be anywhere. 3>
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