Tonight I had one of the BEST DINNERS EVER! Julian and I were browsing Urban Spoon (LOL) and came across CRUSTACEAN! We both had heard lots about the place, so we decided to go. The food was so delicious... we had Crab Puffs, Grilled Calamari, Roasted Crab, and Saigon Beef. Everything was good, even the garlic rice and Bellini Martinis! I don't usually eat crab because it requires so much effort, but this was worth it. And the bibs DEFINITELY came in handy! I can't believe we both hadn't been before, it was such a treat! We noticed that the famous neon crab sign above the elevator was dying =( and we reminisced seeing that sign as children... we're getting old. We actually did a lot of reminiscing over dinner, and I had a really awesome time catching up. The service was great, and it was much more dressy than I had anticipated - luckily we were well-dressed. Good food, good service, and great company. I had so much fun! This is now one of my fave restaurants, and I rarely LOVE restaurants.
Later on at night I was summoned for the brainstorming of Halloween costumes, and when I got downstairs Dom & B were wearing some ridiculous children-sized duck and fireman Walmart costumes - IT WAS HILARIOUS!!! I've decided to be a sailor for Halloween, and together with V (and some others hopefully) we can do the Village People theme.
lucky! i dont remember the last time I had crab!